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Jun 2 2008 10:52PM
Chinese migrant workers suffer

Chinese migrant workers in the UK suffer Lives in shadow , hidden away and at risk. The article is by Hsiao-Hung Pai, a journalist who was born in Taiwan and now lives in Britain. She writes for the Guardian , specialising in stories...

May 21 2008 9:11AM
Banning cluster bombs

Cluster bombs are being discussed in Dublin at an international conference. Mark Durkan of the SDLP has tabled a motion in the UK parliament. Amnesty welcomes Durkan's move . You can check who has signed the motion . This is an "Early...

May 20 2008 11:55PM
North Korea heading for a famine?

An article on Open Democracy predicts that North Korea could be heading for a famine . The authors also say that there was a severe famine there in the late 1990s that may have killed as many as one million people.

May 18 2008 1:41PM
Ethical arms trade?????

"Ethical Arms Trade?" is the title of an article in the New Statesman but I felt that it needed a few more question marks. The article by Andrew Feinstein is critical of BAE and of the report on its practices by the Woolf committee. He...

May 18 2008 1:15PM
China's earthquake disaster

The Chinese government do seem to be taking prompt and effective action for the victims of the earthquake. It is a contrast with the Burmese government's response so far to the cyclone. How far are natural disasters entirely natural...

May 18 2008 12:44PM
Burma - Cyclone Nargis

Slowly, much too slowly, it seems to be dawning on the Burmese junta that they must accept outside help to mount an effective relief effort and to save the lives of many thousands of people. We are not going to see an international...

May 8 2008 9:11PM
Moroccan navy unavailable for comment

Probably a good idea to be unavailable for comment. This one could take some explaining. The Moroccan navy is accused of killing at least 29 people including four children, by puncturing their boat. They were attempting to reach Spain...

Apr 30 2008 6:17PM
Burma - don't forget human rights there

Burma is not so much in the news but we should not think that the abuses of human rights have ceased. See the Burma Campaign UK . Take an e-mail action from their website in support of an activist in prison who is being denied medical...

Apr 24 2008 12:12AM
Arms from China cannot find a route to Zimbabwe

The ship carrying arms from China and intended for Zimbabwe may not be able to unload its cargo in Africa. Dockers in South Africa refused to unload the ship and it then sailed north to try to find a port in Mozambique or Angola. There...

Apr 17 2008 12:11PM
We drive, they starve

"We drive, they starve" say the opening words of this Telegraph article about the impact of using more bio-fuels . In various countries the poor are finding it more difficult to afford their staple foods and there have been protests...

Apr 16 2008 11:55PM
China needs drastic action to avoid losing face

China needs to take drastic steps to improve its image in the eyes of the world. That does not mean improving its public relations, it means sorting out the root of the problems. It would be disastrous if athletes in the Olympics could...

Apr 15 2008 12:31AM
Australian PMs apology to aborigine people

Kevin Rudd has not been the Prime Minister of Australia for long and may not be familiar yet in Britain. You may have seen pictures of him conventionally suited, a strange contrast with the aborigines in body paint. At long last an...

Apr 11 2008 10:39PM
Chinese propaganda machine

A BBC World Service programme describes the research of Dr Anne-Marie Brady of Canterbury University in New Zealand who has been studying the propaganda methods used by the Chinese authorities. The recent international travels of the...

Apr 9 2008 12:29AM
BAE Al Yamamah arms deal with Saudi Arabia

A Judicial Review is to be completed soon of the government's decision to stop the Serious Fraud Office investigating the Al Yamamah arms deal. The announcement of the decision is expected on Thursday 10 April 2008. The Campaign...

Apr 9 2008 12:20AM
Uzbek theatre keeps thinking alive

Ilkhom Theatre (In Uzbek the word Ilkhom means inspiration) is unlike the repressive state beyond its doors. The Swiss ambassador in Tashkent says that the theatre is the only place in Uzbekistan where thinking takes place. Mark Weil...

Mar 28 2008 12:02PM
Asylum policy - fit for purpose yet?

The Independent Asylum Commission has published an interim report on whether the UK's policy on asylum is "Fit for Purpose Yet". Asylum seekers expelled from the UK to Iraq say that they were beaten on arrival.

Mar 28 2008 11:39AM
The Orwell Prize for political writing

I have written before about George Orwell and some of his books on this blog. He aimed to write in a clear and powerful way and he had political ideas that he wanted to communicate in books such as 1984 . That book was published in...

Mar 27 2008 10:30PM
Congo's forgotten war

Channel 4 News this evening had a report from Congo about a war that the world has forgotten. It is killing about 45 000 people a month.

Mar 27 2008 10:09PM
Channel 4 goes undercover in Tibet

Undercover in Tibet is a Channel 4 Dispatches programme shown at 8 pm on Monday 31 March 2008. A couple of brief clips from it can be seen on the internet. I watched the programme "Undercover in Tibet" earlier this evening. Tash Despa...

Mar 26 2008 12:09PM
Democracy in the Himalayan region

Bhutan has had its first ever election . The royal family in the small Himalayan kingdom decided that it was time for the people to vote in a general election. Moving from an absolute monarchy to a democracy could take some time but...
