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May 30 2010 1:13AM
Colombia: UN special rapporteur slams record on impunity

Colombia is the most dangerous country in the world to be a trade unionist, but the Colombian Government denies this. The European Union has been negotiating a trade deal with Colombia for several months, in a move which will be seen...

May 11 2010 6:55PM
Was Sipho Jele murdered in a Swazi police cell?

In the bad old days of apartheid South Africa, protestors would often "commit suicide" or suffer "accidental death" in police custody. Steve Biko was probably the most famous victim. Now it seems those days are back, just across the...

May 11 2010 2:57AM
Iranian thugs kill teacher trade unionist

Farzad Kamangar was, like me, a trade unionist. He was also a teacher and a political activist. And on Sunday, the Iranian Government executed him for those so-called 'crimes' (although they called it 'enmity against God'). He was a 35...

Apr 12 2010 3:01PM
Union getting active? Just 'transfer' the leaders to Siberia

Imagine that no one in your workplace has been paid overtime since 2007, and that all new jobs coming up are being filled by your boss’s family. You present a collective complaint to management. You show up at work the next day to...

Apr 4 2010 4:56PM
Sixth teacher trade unionist killed in Colombia in just three months

Teacher trade unionists are being murdered in Colombia – the most dangerous place in the world to be a trade unionist – every fortnight this year. Despite Colombian Government claims that the situation is improving, the latest murder...

Apr 4 2010 1:23PM
Seher Tumer: in jail in Turkey for speaking up for workers and women

TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber has written to the Turkish Ambassador calling for an urgent appeal hearing for Seher Tümer, a member of the executive board of KESK's Health and Social Service Workers Union (SES) in Ankara. Seher...

Mar 27 2010 5:31PM
ILO demands release of Burmese forced labour activists

The Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has just finished its Spring meeting with a call to further action on forced labour in Burma, and for the release of those jailed for drawing attention to forced labour...

Mar 25 2010 10:46AM
ILO inquiry shows evidence of systematic violations of rights in Zimbabwe

The first ever ILO Commission of Inquiry resulting from complaints by both worker and employer organisations has found evidence of systematic – and indeed systemic – violations of trade union rights in Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe. The...

Mar 15 2010 8:06AM
UPDATE: Jailed in Iran for defending trade unions

UPDATE on the blog below. Sometimes good things happen. Just a day after he was sentenced, Mr Olyaiefard has been released. The revolutionary court has accepted that Olyaiefard had not been given a chance to appeal his original...

Mar 3 2010 1:04AM
No time to let up on EU sanctions on Mugabe

South African President Jacob Zuma flew into London tonight (Tuesday) with media reports suggesting that he would press Gordon Brown to relax EU sanctions on the thugs in ZANU-PF who ran, and continue to run parts of, Zimbabwe. It is...

Feb 23 2010 11:31PM
Hands off Iraqi teacher unions!

The Iraqi Government and Iraqi political parties are interfering in the free and independent Iraqi Teachers Union (ITU). Ibrahim al-Battat , the leader of the ITU in Basra, has been arrested and an arrest warrant for Jasim Hussein...

Feb 14 2010 3:51PM
Iranian trade unionists speak out as Iran investigated by UN

This week, Iran is before the UN human rights review, and trade union rights are one of the abuses that will be investigated. Iranian trade unionists have released the following statement. Owen Tudor February 10, 2010 To: Human Rights...

Jan 28 2010 8:44PM
What sort of country is Costa Rica?

Whilst trade unionists across Central America in countries like Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala continue to pay the ultimate price for their struggles for basic rights and social justice in Costa Rica there are also serious issues...

Jan 21 2010 8:04PM
Culture of impunity allows trade unionists to be murdered in Guatemala

Tragically this month has seen the killing of a fourth trade union leader in Guatemala in three months. Following the murders of Victor Galvez in November and Miguel Chacaj Jax and Pedro Ramirez de la Cruz in December, Evelinda Ramirez...

Jan 21 2010 7:59PM
Trade unionist murdered in El Salvador

El Salvador remains a highly dangerous place to be a trade unionist. Following pressure to bring its national laws into line with International Labour Organisation (ILO) core labour standards so that it could benefit from preferential...

Jan 16 2010 12:24PM
ACT NOW to stop Iranian authorities executing a teacher trade unionist

This weekend, Iranian-Kurdish political activist and teacher trade unionist Farzad Kamangar faces the threat of imminent education, and Education International are asking people to join an email protest calling on the Iranian...

Dec 15 2009 11:26PM
Human rights at work and British business

Parliament's Joint Committee on Human Rights (MPs and Lords) has published a report today (Wednesday 16 December) which looks at how human rights can be improved at the workplace, home and abroad. The Committee criticises the...

Dec 11 2009 7:23PM
Violence in Guatemala continues

Tragically the little reported violence in Guatemala continues unabated. Following the recent killing of MSICG activist Victor Galvez two more leaders of the labour, indigenous and campesino movement have been killed - Miguel Chacaj...

Dec 11 2009 7:11PM
More teachers killed in Colombia

The number of trade unionists killed in Colombia this year is now just short of 40. Teaching union activists Zorayda Cortes Lopez and Leny Yanube Rengifo Gomeza were killed this month, bringing the total number of teachers killed...

Dec 10 2009 6:37PM
Union rights for human rights day

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) represents 175 million workers in 155 countries and territories and has 311 national affiliates. It is celebrating International Human Rights Day by paying tribute to all human rights...
