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Same-sex Marriage… I think the Ayes have it

You can always tell how the political week ahead will pan out as the media brews over the weekend. Whilst the same-sex marriage debate entered my living room through the (almost) ever present stream of Radio Four, my Facebook feed popped up with the story of two men beaten by a gang of youths in a suspected homophobic robbery. Interestingly, the couple later urged UK politicians to moderate their language when debating same-sex marriage this week.

To me this served as a clear reminder of why what is said in these debates is so important. Despite what some may say, same-sex marriage is not about the possibility of a lesbian Queen or the ability to marry one’s own son. It is about equality and hopefully an end to discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Simple as that. 

As I tuned in to Parliament TV (a nerdy guilty pleasure if ever there were one), I decided to challenge myself to listen to the same sex marriage debate without going berserk on Twitter. It was a debate with some real highs with some MPs battling for equality.  And some real lows…watching others fight against it.  Many I fear missing the irony that International Day against Homophobia was only a few days ago.

Critics argue that the same-sex marriage debate is a waste of Parliamentary time. Having seen Parliamentary debates and questions ranging from panpipe music to red squirrels, I beg to differ. Yes, there are many crucial issues that Parliament has to debate but we should never let the urgent crowd out the important.

One thing I have learnt from my time lobbying the UK government is how many countries around the world look to the UK on issues of human rights. The same-sex marriage debate is bigger than the rights it will give us in the UK. So I was delighted yesterday when the Bill passed its Third Reading vote in the House of Commons by 366 votes to 161.

With the UK well on the way to getting its own house in tip top order (fingers crossed for the vote in the Lords) it is important to recognise the important role the it can play in urging other countries to end discrimination against LGBT people. A good start would be to press the Moldovan authorities to ensure that the recent historic Pride march in the capital Chisinau is the "first of many" and is followed up by other steps to combat homophobic discrimination

Around the world, individuals face numerous human rights violations because of their real or perceived sexual orientation. Our research shows that in many countries, consensual same-sex conduct remains criminalised and LGBTI people are often subjected to violence, harassment, arbitrary arrests, unlawful detention, imprisonment, and torture. Several countries still impose the death penalty for same-sex consensual relations. Currently in Ukraine lawmakers are discussing legislation to criminalize the “propaganda of homosexuality”, whilst the beating and murder of  LGBT people has so far gone unpunished.

Recognition of same-sex marriage in the UK may do more than just publicly recognize a relationship between two people. By affirming the right of every person to marry the partner of their choice, the UK Parliament would take an important step towards ensuring equality for all citizens, no matter whom they love. And I hope that message would then ring out across the world.

With reports from Stonewall that more than half of gay young people experience homophobic bullying and with so many watching countries like the UK on these issues I only wish that the top story we all heard was how the UK government supported International Day Against Homophobia by the British Embassy in Japan by flying the rainbow flag rather than focusing on the Parliamentary in-fighting. The fact that the Bill passed with a cross-party majority of 205 just goes to show that for many the fight for equality is an issue that unites, not divides.

I look forward to the day this Bill passes and I hope that all Honourable Members will be in fine voice, much like the New Zealand Parliament, and sing our national anthem to celebrate equality…whether any future Monarch be a lesbian or not.

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I totally agree that equal rights apply to everyone whatever sexual orientation. I'm going to be unpopular and make a point for some of those who are worried about the term 'gay marriage'. I know that many of these people, who are Christians, want gay people to have the right to be recognised as a legal couple and entitled to the respect, support and ceremony afforded to their mutual commitment. The problem has nothing to do with not wanting gay people to be happy together. It lies in the definition of 'marriage' the meaning of which can only be applied to a couple who are of opposite sex. It only means this. It doesn't mean all the rights under the law etc. That is given them after they are called 'married'.So if marriage can only mean two people with different genetalia, saying two people of the same sex are 'married' is a contradiction, like calling an apple an orange. If gay people could persuade others to accept a change in the meaning of the word that would be wonderful. Realistically I think this is unlikely to happen. Would gay people be willing to apply a modified word to their special and much to be accepted union? I'm not sure what to suggest, but this I do know, gay couples deserve all our love and support as they pledge their life of commitment to each other and also deserve a great day of celebration. Those who disagree in the name of our Lord are not noticing how he supported minorities and those who are oppressed. I do not believe he would turn anyone away who asked him to bless their mutual love and commitment to one another.

Luzdoh 11 years ago

Well argued Luzdoh! Personally it is not an issue that bothers me - though I was married in a cathedral 25 years ago and very special it was too! If Love is God (I find it more compelling that way round!) then Love is the obvious test to apply in complex situations. If you do that then clearly it is fine for people to do things that mean a lot to them - so long as they hurt or impinge on others (utilitarianism really). And so we have identified the real crux of the matter - as with many others sadly - the few people who take the attitude that they are personally offended by the very concept! They do not need to know anyone or for the issue to have any relevance to their lives to spit nails...
So are we there yet?
These people are moved not by love but by hate. It is sad but true and they do tend to be older people resisting change or wishing to retain their 'power' in some way. Marriage or partnership has become a special thing in my lifetime - something personal and more about love and choice than preserving the establishment status quo.

History always leaves the haters behind - but more spring up to take their place alas. Perhaps the real task before us is to love the haters into a happier state of mind - now who said that?

protego2012 11 years ago