Education resources on children's rights

Children’s rights are protected by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Download or order activities and resources to support students to understand their rights.
Know Your Rights and Claim Them
Know Your Rights and Claim Them is a guide for young people, to let them know that everyone under the age of 18 has their own set of human rights. Child rights are unique freedoms and protections designed for young people, as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). From gender and racial equality, to the rights to free expression, health, a clean climate and a sustainable environment, this book explains how young people can claim their rights in the real world.
‘I have read this book twice, and it is an essential item not only on my bookshelf but on my course reading list. I cannot express with enough emphasis how brilliant this book is, how I wish I had it as a young person and how I hope that all young people have access to it wherever they are.’ Hans Svennevig, Teaching Citizenship magazine, summer 2022
An Introduction to Child Rights
To accompany the launch of the book Know Your Rights and Claim Them, Amnesty International has developed a 90 minute online course An Introduction to Child Rights, available on Amnesty's Human Rights Academy.
By the end of this course you’ll be able to:
- Explain the scope of children’s rights
- Describe government obligations regarding children’s rights
- Analyse how children’s rights can protect children in a diverse range of circumstances
- Apply a children's rights lens to your everyday life
- Take action to promote and defend children’s rights
UNCRC Posters
A free poster celebrating the United Nations Convention on the Child.
Another poster to be added soon
Download a free teaching resource to accompany the book Know Your Rights and Claim Them. These three activities can help promote discussion about child rights and encourage activism for young people.
Childs Rights Chatterbox
A free piece of origami to help young people explore children’s rights in their community. Instructions for making the Chatterbox are included.