Over 100 people featured in Write for Rights have had positive outcomes in their cases, including freedom for Aleksandra Skochilenko. These wins are only possible thanks to the support of people just like you.

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However, in a world where our basic human rights are increasingly under threat, there couldn’t be a more important time to act together to call out injustice and show solidarity.

Your donation could help us to pressure authorities to release prisoners, protect the vulnerable, and stop abuses.

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We are grateful for every gift. You can make even more of a difference with a smaller amount every month, supporting our long-term work to stand up against injustice and help defend human rights for all.

£10 could help raise awareness to protect someone in immediate danger of human rights abuses.

£15 could support our campaigns to pressure policy-makers around the world to stop injustice.

£20 could help put our human rights researchers on the ground to gather evidence of torture and abuse.

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£3 per month could help raise awareness of human rights abuses and get your voice heard by policy-makers.

£5 per month could support human rights education projects to teach school children about their rights.

£8 per month could help send our human rights researchers to investigate torture and abuses.

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