Become a member of the biggest people-powered movement for human rights in the UK.

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Join Amnesty International United Kingdom Section today and be part of a movement of people protecting human rights.

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Join Amnesty International United Kingdom Section today and be part of a movement of people protecting human rights.

What you get as a member

Your welcome pack

Amnesty magazine every quarter

A say in our future

Concessionary (aged 18 or over)

Retired, low/unwaged or a student? Want to help protect human rights? 

Become a member of Amnesty International United Kingdom Section and you can make a difference.

What you get as a member

Your welcome pack

Amnesty magazine every quarter

A say in our future

Concessionary (14 - 17)

Aged 14 - 17? Want to help protect human rights?

Become a member of Amnesty International United Kingdom Section and you can make a difference.

What you get as a member

Your welcome pack

Amnesty magazine every quarter

A say in our future

Join Amnesty International United Kingdom Section today and be part of a movement of people protecting human rights.

What you get as a member

Your welcome pack

Amnesty magazine every quarter

A say in our future

Retired, low/unwaged or a student? Want to help protect human rights? 

Become a member of Amnesty International United Kingdom Section and you can make a difference.

What you get as a member

Your welcome pack

Amnesty magazine every quarter

A say in our future

Aged 14 - 17? Want to help protect human rights?

Become a member of Amnesty International United Kingdom Section and you can make a difference.

What you get as a member

Your welcome pack

Amnesty magazine every quarter

A say in our future

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Mastercard Visa Apple Pay Google Pay PayPal Direct Debit