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January 2015 (6)
Jan 16 2015 1:32PM
Thursday 19 March (at 8pm): human rights in China

Following our campaigning on 14 March (see previous post), Andy Moody, AIUK's China and East Asia Region Co-ordinator, will be showing a film about the persecution of Falun Gong and what it reveals

Jan 16 2015 1:23PM
Saturday14 March: campaigning on human rights in China

We'll be campaigning on human rights in China., asking people to sign cards for three individuals at risk. If you can spare an hour or so to help, please contact Ash on

Jan 16 2015 1:18PM
Thursday 19 February (at 8pm):The future of Sri Lanka and why Kalpana is more important today - a two-pronged talk on Sri Lanka and Bangladesh

Jerry Allen, AIUK's Country Co-ordinator for the region, will be talking on campaigning for human rights in Sri Lanka and the prospects for change following the surprising result of the recent Pres

Jan 16 2015 1:13PM
Saturday 14 February: activitists' conference on 'Stop Torture' campaigning

This month we'll not be campaigning in Kingston. Some of us will be attending the activists' conference on how to campaign to Stop Torture, which is Amnesty International's main campaign for 2015.

Jan 8 2015 10:44AM
Thursday 15 January (at 8pm): What should our group be doing in 2015?

Come and help us plan our group activities for the year ahead. We have some events already planned but we would really welcome new ideas!

Jan 8 2015 10:33AM
Saturday 10 January: campaigning in Kingston

This will be the final session of our 'Write for Rights' campaign. If you can spare an hour or so between 10.30 and 1pm, please contact Ash on