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There was a long discussion about the dreadful events in IOPT in the last few days. Horror and disgust were expressed regarding the acts of Hamas and there was anxiety about the implications of the likely response of the current...
Forward planning at this meeting included the November meeting (8 th Nov) being organised an online meeting with the Parents Circle – Family Forum – an organisation in Israel which brings together Palestinian and Israeli families which...
This meeting included updates on Omar Radi imprisoned in Egypt and an action about Iranian schoolgirls being unable to attend school because of systematic and organised gas attacks which lead to girls being ill and some hospitalised...
We discussed the demonstration regarding the refit of the barge, for housing asylum seekers, taking place in Falmouth. The street collection at the start of the month and the successful use of the new card reader. Next meeting : Wed 12...
This meeting included updates on regional campaigns including North Africa, Mexico and Central America and IOPT and Lebanon plus forward planning for street collections and the book stall.