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We will be collecting from 9am in Stockton Heath through to 4pm so please come and say hello if you are in the village that day. If you have an hour to spare and would like to help out please email Evelyn at benkin64@talktalk.net
Our latest Newsletter celebrates International Women's Day with examples of eight women who are making a difference in their communities. Also, information on our activities, campaigns and dates for your diary including our next street...
The theme this year encourages people to consider and take action to create a more gender-balanced world. Lots of information and tools and resources for those who want to follow this up at the link below to the official International...
Our next meeting will be on Thursday 21 March at the Nora Street Community House, 15 - 17 Nora Street, Howley, Warrington WA1 2JG. We are a small and friendly group of people who are interested in human rights and welcome others who...