Successful Garden Party

Following the invariable pattern, yesterday's Garden Party was blessed with sunshine and went off very successfully, with the atmosphere greatly assisted by high energy, accoustic music from the Gospel Bell Collective. Many thanks to them for entertaining us and contributing to a great afternoon.
As well as contributing to our fund-raising, many people signed the messages of solidarity for our two special individual cases - Hakan Yaman in Turkey and Sirikan Charoensiri in Thailand; and a number of new contacts signed up to receive information about the group. It was great to have members of the Chipping Norton group coming along also.
The total raised for Amnesty funds was £475.45 which compares favourably with other years.
Many thanks to everyone who supported the event, and to the team of helpers - particularly the hard-working catering team of Pud Hawkins, Sarah Skevington, Sue Hirst and Bee Myson. And special thanks, as ever, to David and Jill Puckering for generously allowing use of their lovely garden and for the hard work that goes into set-up and clear-up.
We look forward to seeing you again next year.