Our annual Garden Party took place last Sunday in glorious sunshine (of course). Many thanks to Terry and Anne Davis, to whom we're very grateful for giving us the run of their lovely Adderbury garden. Thanks also to all those who came along and/or helped in any way. About 60 people attended and we raised £418 in total from teas, raffle, books, sale of mugs and gate receipts, which was a very respectable total. We had displays about our two adopted cases - Hakan Yaman (Turkey) and June Charoensiri (Thailand) and about human rights challenges in the Israeli Occupied Territories. We've also had some good coverage, including photos, in this week's Banbury Guardian.
We will be holding our annual Garden Party, to which all are welcome, at a new venue this year - Hermitage, The Green, Adderbury OX17 3ND, on Sun 1 July, 2.30-4.30pm, by kind permission of Terry and Anne Davis.
Come and enjoy a lovely village garden on a summer’s afternoon - and support human rights.
Tea, cakes, games, stalls, raffle
All very welcome
- Downloads
- 2018 Garden Party Flyer