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Amnesty International UK
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Sep 22 2014 10:34PM
Stop Torture: Nigeria
Sep 22 2014 3:15PM
Group walk for Amnesty Sun 21 Sept

The sun certainly shone for the groups first walk for human rights on Sunday afternoon.

Sep 22 2014 1:38PM
Annual card signing Saturday 6th & Monday 8th December

Each year we get together, and encourage as many people as possible to join us, to send messages of hope and support to individuals unjustly imprisoned in different parts of the world.

Sep 5 2014 10:27AM
The latest edition of Wire: Amnesty International's global magazine

The September and October edition of The Wire magaxine is attached below.

Sep 5 2014 10:04AM
Stop Torture: Mexico

After dropping her children off at school, Miriam López was abducted by Mexican soldiers.

Aug 25 2014 2:46PM
Gaza: Stop the arms, stop the killing

The human toll of the violence is horrific. Children, women, men – nobody has been safe from indiscriminate bombing.

Aug 6 2014 3:34PM
Next monthly meeting September 8th

Following our normal pattern there is no monthly meeting in August. Our next meeting is Mon 8 September at 8pm at 23 Colegrave Road, Bloxham OX15 4NT. All are very welcome.

Jul 27 2014 2:57PM
Garden Party

We had a fantastic Garden Party, the weather was perfect, David and Gill Puckering's garden was beautiful and people came in droves to enjoy the huge book sale, raffle and plant & bric-a-brac s

Jul 17 2014 2:08PM
Human Rights Act moves: 'We allow Cameron to rip away this safety net at our peril'

Responding to reports that Prime Minister David Cameron is planning to curtail access to the European Court of Human Rights, Allan Hogarth Head of Policy and Government Affairs at Amnesty Internati
