December news
December news
This is a brief summary of recent events and what we discussed at December's committee meeting.
- Our pub quiz at the Commercial Inn was a successful and well-attended event; we raised just over £200, and many people told us how much they enjoyed it! We are considering whether to hold a quiz twice a year rather than annually, though this of course relies on having enough volunteers to organise it.
- At our letter-writing meeting on the 19th November there were 8 people and 41 letters were written. On 29 November, 6 people, 30 letters. The 2012 total was 391 letters sent to 46 countries.
- The December monthly action didn't arrive in time for the meeting, so we will do it at the January meeting instead. It is about writing individual letters to our MP about asylum seekers not having enough money to live on while their cases are being decided.
- We held a Write for Rights greetings card campaign by the Ten Bell in Beeston on the 8th December. After a quiet start the stall was very successful: 96 cards were written and £77 raised in donations, which will just about cover the postage costs.
- Lots of us did some of our Christmas shopping form the Amnesty catalogue - we sent three big orders this year. It might be a bit late for Christmas shopping now, but there's still lots of exciting stuff that you can buy online from the Amnesty Shop at
- The next meeting will be our AGM on Wednesday 2nd January 2013 in the Epworth Room at Chilwell Road Methodist Church, 7.30 – 9 pm. Everyone is welcome!