Minutes of Group Meeting April 13th 2015
Attending: Paddy, Caitlyn, Catrina, Grainne, Heiko, Carolyn, Pearse, Elisabeth, Liz, Paul, Beatrice, Leo, Carmel, Claudia, Paula
Welcome & March minutes: Paul welcomed the group & asked if any comments on March minutes. No comments.
AGM resolutions: The group discussed a number of the resolutions for the AGM & gave thoughts on how the group votes should be used. The group gave support to those attending in voting in support of a number of the resolution.
Recent events: Paul advised the fund raising quiz raised £230. Thanks to everyone who helped & attended.
Noa Kleinman’s talk at March meeting on our IAR Jacqueline Montanez & human rights in North America was appreciated by the group . Paul advised Noa enjoyed giving the talk especially the many questions & discussions it generated.
Mournes walk organised by Philip was another popular event attended by many from the group. Feeling in the group was we should try to work more with other local groups in NI.
Upcoming events: QUB group are having a My Body, My Rights event on Wednesday 22nd April 6-7.30pm in the Lanyon building. All welcome.
July meeting will be on 6th rather than 13th July
Paul advised Kate Allen has agreed to speak to the group. Paul will check if Kate is available October/November time.
IAR Jacqueline Montanez : Claudia asked the group to consider if we wanted to continue working on the case, pick a new case or another case as there may not be any possible actions for Jacqueline in the coming months. To be discussed again.
A.O.B: Jayyus Village: Beatrice advised a local group in Spain, near Barcelona, had been in touch & had asked to work with the Belfast group on any actions we do on Jayyus village. This was welcomed.
Beatrice advised a Belgian/Dutch group of teachers would be in Belfast in August & would like to meet up with ourselves. This was welcomed. As the group are here during our August meeting Beatrice is to invite them to this meeting.