Minutes of Group Meeting June 8th 2015
Attending: Paddy, Paul, Liz, Leo, Carolyn, Beatrice, Elisabeth, Heiko, Grainne, Roisin, Maria, Paula, William, Mick, Carmel
Apologies: Claudia
Welcome & May minutes:
Paul welcomed the group & asked for comments on minutes from May’s meeting. Paul particularly welcomed the ideas from the group including Elisabeth’s suggestion for a workshop/talk on how Amnesty works. Paul advised NI programme Director, Patrick Corrigan, will speak to the group at the July meeting about this. Another suggestion was having membership forms available. These were made available.
Fundraising Walk: Paul suggested the group arrange a fundraising walk in late August. This was widely welcomed. Beatrice advised she’d invite other NI local groups once details were finalised. To be discussed further.
Individual at Risk Filep Karma: Paul advised the petition signed in May by the group was forwarded to the International Secretariat & Filep Karma has sent his thanks to AI through his lawyer.
My Body, My Rights: Beatrice advised on 9th June AI is launching a report & campaign on the decriminalisation of abortion in Ireland. The primary aims are a huge drive for petition signatures to contribute to the global handover in early 2016, awareness raising & actions to be taken in N Ireland. Grainne suggested the group should work more closely with other organisations such as Alliance for Choice. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
Release of Moses Akatuga: The group have done a number of actions on Moses case. Paul read out Moses message of thank to AI for campaigning for his release.
Jacqueline Montanez update: Beatrice advised the group of the latest developments in Jackie’s case as advised by her lawyer. Jackie’s re-sentencing hearing will take place late summer/early autumn. Her lawyer advises letters are very important to Jackie so the group signed a card for her.
Recent Events:
Je Suis Charlie: Heiko advised this was an interesting event & didn’t get the numbers it deserved.
Dealing with the Past: Paddy & Heiko attended. Heiko advised the South African speaker was very interesting.
Upcoming Events:
Civil Marriage Equality Rally: AI is one of the organisers of the rally calling for civil marriage equality. The rally starts at Writer’s Square at 2.30pm. Volunteers to steward, hand out & collect AI placards are needed. Anyone who can volunteer is to contact Patrick Corrigan.
The Look of Silence film showing: Paul advised the follow up to The Act of Killing, the documentary about the Indonesian genocide of 1965, is showing at QFT 12-14 June. The showing of 14th June will include a via satellite Q&A session with the director.
Celebrating New Health Care Rights for Refugees: Group member Liz Griffith is organising an event at Crescent Arts Centre 15th June 4-5.30pm
Lecture at Law Centre: Prof Colin Harvey will be giving a lecture at the Law Centre on 19th June. Beatrice will email details.
Pride: Belfast Pride Parade will be 1st August – more details to follow.
Election for new chair: As Paul is standing down as Chair the group will be electing a new chair at the next meeting. Group advised to email Beatrice any nominations, please check with the person you want to nominate they are agreeable to being nominated!