Annual Garden Party and Book Sale - Sat 26 July, 2.30-4.30pm

Owing to uncertainty over the precise date of Bloxham Amnesty Group's founding we missed our 25th anniversary in 2013, but having since unearthed the relevant paperwork we will be celebrating our 25+1 anniversary at the Garden Party this year!
It would be great to welcome as many people as possible who have been involved with the Group at any time in that period, and, of course, everyone else is very welcome. Feel free to bring friends and family along. As well as the usual refreshments, stalls, raffle and games we'll have information available about Amnesty's key Stop Torture campaign, and opportunities to take part in text and photo petitions.
All welcome, just turn up - Little Bennetts, Rose Bank, Bloxham OX15 4NA, 2.30-4.30 26 July
- Downloads
- Garden Party flyer