Bloxham members at the Houses of Parliament

3 members of the Bloxham group, Chairman Martin Fairfax-Cholmeley, Ian Myson and Mike Mordue were lucky enough to be invited by Amnesty International to a reception at the Speakers House to celebrate Human Rights Day.
There were inspiring speaches from Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC MP, Haytham Alhamwi (a former Syrian prisoner), Jeremy Corbyn MP, Kate Allen, AI Director and the Speaker himself John Bercow MP.
Martin, Ian and Mike also met with our MP Victoria Prentis to discuss the important work of Amnesty International.
There was also the opportunity to chat with other Amnesty activists and take action on some of this year's Write for Rights cases. Martin had a chance to view conditions experienced by Albert Woodfox who has spent over 40 years in solitary confinement by virtue of virtual reality googles.
- Downloads
- Martin looks for his emails!
- Meeting Victoria Prentis MP
- Jeremy Corben addresses Amnesty activists