Street collection photos (24/03/2018)
From Jilli, who co-ordinated the day:
"A huge thank you to all who took part on Saturday, either holding a tin or as the "collector support group", entertaining us and the shoppers. Also, I'd like to thank our colleagues in Amnesty HQ for all their help, and those who wanted to come along but were struck down at the last minute by ill health or family tragedy, but were with us in thought and spirit.
CONGRATULATIONS to you all! We beat last year's amount and collected the grand sum of £653.85 for Amnesty International."
- Downloads
- Banner at the Cross
- The Morris Band
- The Flautists
- The Flautists
- Aria from Rebecca
- The Morris Band
- Lily and Rebecca collecting
- Lily and Rebecca collecting
- Isobel collecting
- Isobel collecting
- Lawrence, Alice and Lucy collecting
- Lawrence the Saxophonist
- Peter collecting
- Organising
- Rebecca collecting
- Standing by...