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Amnesty International UK
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Mar 16 2013 11:52AM
Good news: Maryland abolishes the death penalty.

This week Maryland became the 18th US state to scrap the death penalty.

Mar 11 2013 10:00PM
The speech Obama could make...
Mar 3 2013 8:58PM
March Newsletter

Our March newsletter is available to download.

Feb 12 2013 4:26PM
Take action for an imprisoned Cuban journalist.

Calixto Martinez is a journalist who has been imprisoned by the Cuban Revolutionary Police.

Feb 12 2013 4:21PM
January/February Newsletter

Here's our first newsletter of 2013.

Jan 11 2013 2:57PM
Demand Shaker Aamer's return to the UK

Shaker Aamer is the last British resident to be held at Guantanamo. He has been imprisoned for more than a decade, without charge. In 2007 he was cleared for release.

Nov 30 2012 7:39PM
December Newsletter

This month's newsletter is now available for download.

Nov 25 2012 2:37PM
Brighton Write for Rights 2012

Our annual Write for Rights day is on Saturday 8 December. We'll be writing letters of support and solidarity to prisoners of conscience around the world.

Oct 26 2012 6:24PM
November Newsletter

Here's November's newsletter for downloading ...
