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Amnesty International UK
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Jul 6 2022 2:11PM
Next Group Meeting 7th July

Our next Brighton and Hove Amnesty Group meeting is an online meeting on the 7th July at 7:30. All with an interest in Human Rights are welcome. For entry details contact

May 21 2022 3:07PM
Imprisoned British-Egyptian activist Alaa Abdel Fattah's sister speaks at our next meeting

Sanaa Seif the sister of imprisoned British-Egyptian activist Alaa Abdel Fattah, who is the focus of a current Amnesty UK campaign, will be the speaker at our next Brighton Amnesty meeting. This will be held on Thursday 9th June at 7...

Apr 25 2022 12:00PM
Group AGM and talk on Human Rights in Rwanda - 5th May

Our next meeting will be our Group AGM, and will also feature a talk on the topical subject of Human Rights in Rwanda. It will be a face to face meeting on 5th May at 7:30 pm, at the BMECP Centre at 10a Fleet Street, Brighton. All in...

Mar 28 2022 12:15PM
Saudi Arabia Country Coordinator Paul Dawson speaking at our next meeting

Our next group meeting is on Thursday 7th April at 7:30, when we will be having our first face to face meeting in over two years. Our speaker will be Paul Dawson the Amnesty UK Country Coordinator for Saudi Arabia. The venue is the...

Mar 14 2022 12:29PM
Next Brighton and Hove Amnesty Quiz - 23rd March

The Brighton & Hove Amnesty Quiz returns on Wednesday 23rd March 7.30 for 8 at Presuming Ed's - 114-115 London Road - Brighton Teams of 4 - £3 per person All welcome - email to book a table.

Feb 21 2022 9:23AM
Amnesty UK Afghanistan Coordinator Nigina Istanakzai-Zarifi speaks at next meeeting

Our next meeting will be an online meeting via Zoom on Thursday 3rd March at 8pm - we are very pleased to be joined by Amnesty UK Afghanistan Country Coordinator Nigina Istanakzai-Zarifi who will be updating us on the current position...

Jan 30 2022 10:07AM
Next Group Meeting 3rd February

Our next Group Meeting will be an online meeting on Thursday 3rd February at 8pm All with an interest in Human Rights in the Brighton area are welcome Please email for entry details

Jan 12 2022 5:10PM
Stop Refugees Freezing - Brighton Action 15th January 11:30 - 12:30

A shocking humanitarian crisis at the borders of the EU and Belarus is continuing to cause immense suffering to asylum seekers and other migrants, including families with small children, and has led to the death of at least 10 people...

Dec 16 2021 3:37PM
Successful Write For Rights Event Held

Many thanks to all those - including our Mayor Cllr. Alan Robins and MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle - who attended our Write For Rights event on the 11th December. 154 cards of support were written in support of individuals and groups whose...

Dec 7 2021 9:43AM
Help us raise funds to defend Human Rights

Defending and promoting Human Rights costs money! So Brighton and Hove Amnesty is crowdfunding to allow us to step up our campaigning. Please consider donating on our Just Giving Site Brighton Amnesty Fundraising and promote it to your...
