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Amnesty International UK
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Mar 11 2016 5:28PM
March newsletter
Mar 11 2016 5:25PM
Jan/Feb newsletter
Mar 11 2016 5:20PM
My Body, My Tights: 23 April

Brighton & Hove Amnesty will be hosting My Body, My Tights (a big jumble sale, where tights, books, CDs, more tights, and other clothes will be on sale for bargain prices).

Dec 15 2015 4:41PM
December newsletter

The latest group newsletter is available to download

Nov 11 2015 1:33PM
Write for Rights Day 2015
Nov 11 2015 1:05PM
November newsletter

This month's newsletter includes a preview of our Write for Rights day and great news about Shaker Aamer.

Nov 1 2015 5:52PM
October newsletter

In this month's newsletter: Shaker Aamer, DSEI arms fair, Monthly letter writing group

Sep 1 2015 11:23PM
September newsletter

This month's newsletter features articles on our silent auction (£533.91 raised), the upcoming annual street collection, Calais's refugees, and abductions in Libya.

Aug 8 2015 10:20AM
August newsletter

This month's newsletter, which has articles on Pride and the upcoming annual street collection.

Jun 27 2015 5:28PM
Silent auction 2015

Get your bids in for this year's silent auction. It's very easy... choose which items you would like to have, decide how much you'd like to pay, then either post or email your bids.
