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On Saturday 16th November volunteers from the Brighton and Hove Amnesty gro
Brighton and Hove Amnesty International’s Annual Write for Rights Day
This month's newsletter has a preview of our Write for Rights day on 6 December, an article about the Mansoura women (our group's new prisoners of conscience) and a review of the recent Sto
Wandsworth Amnesty group is organising an Embassy Crawl in London on 25 October, targeting countries known to perpetrate torture.
This month's newsletter has news of our group's upcoming 50th anniversary and an excellent summary of the work of the Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group.
September's newsletter is available to download, with updates on our annual street collection, the new Stop Torture campaign and Afghan Women's Rights.
August's newsletter has a report on our Pride stall, the launch of the Stop Torture campaign and an article about Roya Saberi Nejad Nobakht, a prisoner of conscience in Iran.
Our newsletter this month includes articles on the World Cup, the Afghan Women's Rights group's meeting with Caroline Lucas MP and the Gatwick Detainees Welfare group.