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Amnesty International UK
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Nov 9 2014 5:24PM
Write for Rights Day

Brighton and Hove Amnesty International’s Annual Write for Rights Day

Nov 9 2014 5:15PM
November newsletter

This month's newsletter has a preview of our Write for Rights day on 6 December, an article about the Mansoura women (our group's new prisoners of conscience) and a review of the recent Sto

Oct 11 2014 11:17AM
STOP TORTURE: Embassy Crawl 2014

Wandsworth Amnesty group is organising an Embassy Crawl in London on 25 October, targeting countries known to perpetrate torture.

Oct 1 2014 6:32PM
October newsletter

This month's newsletter has news of our group's upcoming 50th anniversary and an excellent summary of the work of the Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group.

Sep 12 2014 7:42PM
September newsletter

September's newsletter is available to download, with updates on our annual street collection, the new Stop Torture campaign and Afghan Women's Rights.

Aug 11 2014 6:42PM
August newsletter

August's newsletter has a report on our Pride stall, the launch of the Stop Torture campaign and an article about Roya Saberi Nejad Nobakht, a prisoner of conscience in Iran.

Jul 1 2014 4:49PM
July newsletter

Our newsletter this month includes articles on the World Cup, the Afghan Women's Rights group's meeting with Caroline Lucas MP and the Gatwick Detainees Welfare group.

Jul 1 2014 4:13PM
No Foul Play Brazil!

