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Amnesty International UK
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Dec 30 2012 5:12PM
Write for Rights and Greetings Cards Events 2012

Many thanks to everyone who volunteered and attended our various Write for Rights and Greeting Cards Campaign events throughout the city in December 2012, including the monthly group meeting.

Dec 15 2012 12:24PM
December Group Meeting

The Amnesty Bristol Group's December meeting will be taking place on Mon 17 Dec @ 7.30 pm @ Bristol Youth Hostel, 14 Narrow Quay, Bristol :

Nov 26 2012 8:45PM
Write For Rights event 2012

For over 50 years Amnesty International members have been writing in support of prisoners of conscience throughout the world.

Nov 20 2012 8:20PM
November Monthly Meeting

Many thanks to Nathan and Emily for their very thought provoking presentation of their trip to Palestine.

Oct 21 2012 12:27PM
October Group Meeting

It was really nice to welcome the Bristol Hospitality Network, a local organisation who extend solidarity to people seeking asylum and experiencing destitution through accommodation and creative co

Sep 23 2012 12:35PM
September Group Meeting

Many thanks to Ben, Peter and Tony from the Survivors Speak Out, a part of the Freedom from Torture organisation for their talk to the group on Sept 18.

Sep 11 2012 5:14PM
Arms Trade Treaty campaign stall

On a usual wet Saturday in July the group undertook a stall outside the Amnesty bookshop on Gloucester Road, in support of the ATT campaign.

Sep 11 2012 1:31PM
Letters to Bristol MP's and MEP's

In recent months the group have made a concerted effort to engage with the local MP's and MEP's, an important part of Amnesty's continued work in the fight for human rights.

Sep 9 2012 10:07PM
Bristol Pride 2012

In August the group ran a stall at Bristol Pride.

Jul 12 2012 4:34PM
Goldney Garden Party 2013

On Sunday 4th August we will be opening the gates to the beautiful grounds of Goldney Hall in Clifton, for our 31st Goldney Garden Party.
