Chester Pride 2019

Come along and support Chester Pride on Sunday 22nd September. Fun packed activities will be happening throughout the day with the parade, music stage, chill out areas, market stalls and family friendly activities. Full details of the location, parade route and parking can be found in the link below:
The Chester and Wrexham Amnesty International group will be supporting the parade again this year and can be found in the Health, Life and Wellbeing Zone. Don’t forget to come along to our stall and lend your support for equality and human rights across the globe. One of our campaign cases this year is for Marielle Franco.
Marielle Franco worked tirelessly to promote the rights of black women, LGBTI people and young people in Rio de Janeiro.
On 14 March 2018, Mariella and her driver Anderson Gomes were brutally shot and killed. Last Saturday (14 September) marks 18 months since the murders, and the question of who killed them remains unanswered.
Please lend your support by signing one of our action cards at our stall.
Mariella’s case details can be found at: https://www.amnesty.org/…/…/w4r-2018-brazil-marielle-franco/