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Amnesty International UK
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Charlbury Street Fair

Our Amnesty stall at Charlbury Street Fair

We were delighted to have a stall at this year's Street Fair in our neighbouring town of Charlbury.  It was our first time at this annual event.  Our purpose was to promote the work of Amnesty International and to advertise the presence of our local Chipping Norton Amnesty Group.  The 'footfall' was good and we attracted lots of interest with our colourful balloons and display materials, and of course our tablecloth, announcing us as "Amnesty International", visible from afar! 

Lots of people stopped to speak to us and left with badges, balloons and information booklets about Amnesty and Human Rights, and many signed our petition urging our Prime Minister "to implore the Hong Kong authorities immediately and unconditionally to release Jimmy Lai, Chow Hang-tung and all other political prisoners in Hong Kong"; this will be handed into 10 Downing Street next month.

Thanks to everyone who helped with our stall and to everyone who took the time to visit us.

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