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Amnesty International UK
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We've been busy in Chipping Norton!

Our Amnesty stall at the Chippy Festival
Our stall at the town's festival

We've been busy in Chipping Norton, promoting Amnesty and some of the issues which are concerning us at the moment.  June began with us holding a vigil on our town hall steps to mark the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.  Refugee Week saw us, with representatives of the Town Council and our friends in the Charlbury Refugee Action Group (CRAG), raising the refugee flag on the town's flagpole in the Millennium Garden.   We were also to be found in the ChippyPhoneBox - well not perhaps us in person, but our display focusing on refugees and asylum seekers, again joined by CRAG.  Then on the 30th June we had a stall in the centre of the action at the Chipping Norton town festival.  And, in between times, you might have seen us in Woodstock where we held a street collection.

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