Croydon Amnesty March 2021 Update
We have continued to meet virtually on 15thMarch this month’s meeting. We are looking forward to meet each other soon when restrictions eases by April and if weather allows however please follow us for the update for meeting information.
There has been Urgent Actions that members encouraged to take part.
Members will remember taking Urgent Action on the Moroccan academic and human rights defender Maati Monjib who on 4 March started a hunger strike (MDE 29/3863/2021)
Great news:Moroccan academic and human rights defender Maati Majib has been released on parole. Maati's casefile will remain open to be used to call for all charges against him to be dropped.
We thank all those who campaigned for Maati’s release!
As some of you know Ali Aarrass will be speaking at the Festival of Social Justice organised by Amnesty groups in the Midlands during April and May. He will be speaking on 15th May at around 5.30 pm virtually. Our group has worked on Ali's case for many years. We are looking for questions from groups to ask Ali towards the end of the presentation. If any member of group would like to ask a question you can send it to us in the next 2 weeks and we will then choose which questions to use.
Members discussed in the meeting how to get others involved particularly young activists or volunteers. There were some suggestions such as involving colleges and how we can be more active on social media platforms, such as Facebook.
Next Meeting date: 19thApril 2021- Monday at 8pm (online)-Speakers from Western Sahara
Quote of the month;
“Activism works. So what I’m telling you to do now, is to act. Because no one is too small to make a difference.”
Greta Thunberg, Swedish climate change activist and Amnesty International Ambassador of Conscience