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Croydon Amnesty joined the Croydon Pride march
The David Lean cinema screened The Mauritanian in association with Croydon Amnesty.
Meeting with Sarah Jones MP for Croydon Central
Croydon Group enjoyed Ramadan Iftar meal before regular meeting
We have had stalls promoting the group at Croydon College and Matthews Yard as part of our objective this year to attract some younger people to the group
Carol Singing in Christmas 2021
Annual Quiz night held at Amnesty Croydon
Amnesty’s country coordinator for North America, Lise Rossi spoke at our September meeting about the death penalty in the US.
At our June meeting we had an extraordinary speaker from the USA, speaking on the Uyghur Conflict and human right violations. Dr Erkin Sidick was invited to do the presentation and talk about what Uyghurs face in China. All our members...
In August old and current members of Croydon Amnesty met at Lloyd Park (near the Cedar of Lebanon tree which we planted in the 1990’s for a former Prisoner of Conscience that we campaigned for) to celebrate Amnesty’s 60 th anniversary...