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Amnesty International UK
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Mar 18 2019 10:42PM
Playing to the Tune of Unity

Julia from Unity Music joins us for an evening of music and cultural exploration!

Oct 18 2018 12:21PM
Capturing Calais: A Look at Life on The Ground

Activist and group member Elizabeth Arif-Fear talks about her recent trip to Calais with St. Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace, working with Help Refugees and Refugee Community Kitchen in Calais and Dunkirk.

Sep 24 2018 1:16PM
Swimming for Refugees: A Splashing Success!

A massive thank you for all your support - it all went swimmingly!

Sep 24 2018 1:04PM
Heathfield Fair: Defying the Death Penalty in Japan

Amnesty Croydon at the Heathfield Heritage Fair raising awareness against the use of the death penalty in Japan.

Jul 16 2018 12:05PM
Love is all around in Croydon!

Campaigning at Pride in Croydon

Jun 11 2018 12:56PM
Human Rights and Environmentalism – At Croydon Environmental Fair

Last weekend, the Croydon group attended the Croydon Enviromental Fair where we campaigned for human rights defenders working on environmental issues. Lots of cards were taken away to send to the Chilean Minister of Interior and Public...

May 11 2018 4:10PM
We're swimming for refugees – Will you join us?

Thousands of persecuted people travel each year on treacherous journeys towards safety. Together, the Croydon Group will swim the distance from Turkey to Lesbos (1,152 lengths) to raise money for Amnesty International.

Mar 6 2018 5:32PM
Brave: Supporting Human Rights Defenders from Croydon

Following a great start to the New Year, February was time to host our annual AGM here in Croydon. As well as reflecting on the some great work over the past year, we were also delighted to be joined by Sarah Jones, MP for Central...

Feb 19 2018 5:25PM
January 2018: Remembering and Welcoming the Persecuted

On 27 th January the world marked Holocaust Memorial Day . Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) serves an important reminder of our need to come together as a society to stand against hatred and protect the fundamental human rights of every...

Dec 30 2017 7:17PM
Goodbye 2017! Hello to a New Year of Activism!

Hello to a new year of activism! It’s been a busy year here in Croydon. We’ve had a jam-packed 12 months and a busy end to the year. With the Write for Rights campaign now in full swing, a group of activists took the central library to...
