About this group

Welcome to the Dundee Group of Amnesty International. We are one of almost 300 local groups that operate in the UK and contribute to Amnesty International's work to defend human rights around the world.
We are a friendly and active group of local people that:
- Raise local awareness about human rights
- Organise events and stalls
- Fundraise
- Campaign with letter writing and lobbying
We campaign for the release of prisoners of conscience and on issues such as use of torture, the death penalty, women's rights etc. We also campaign on human rights abuses in particular countries, eg Colombia, Palestine/Israel and Cuba. During 2017/18, we have also started using social media as part of our campaigning, thanks to encouragement and support from one of our n ewer members, Gabriel.
We meet monthly on the second Thursday of the month, at DVA, 10 Constitution Road, Dundee at7.30pm. (No meeting in July). Everyone is welcome to attend - you don't have to be a member of Amnesty International to come along, although an interest in human rights helps!
Local Contact: Sandy Stuart (Group Secretary). tel.01241-828715. Email: gmonster67@gmail.com
Upcoming events:
Monthly Meetings - 12/12/19, 09/01/20, 13/02/20, 12/03/20, 09/04/20, 14/05/20, 11/06/20,13/08/20 , 10/09/20, 08/10/20, 12/11/20, 10/12/20. (No meetings at present due to COVID 19. Same dates accessible via Zoom. Please contact Sandy via email).
Greetings card campaign – 05/12/2020, 11am to 3pm. at Wellgate Library, Dundee.