Frome Amnesty Group AGM
Frome Amnesty Group AGM
Frome Amnesty Group AGM
On Thursday 21st April 8pm we met for our monthly meeting and AGM at the Bridge café, Selwood Road, Frome, BA11 3BS.
Kit Pharaoh stepped down as treasurer after 4 years. Thank you Kit for all your hard work. Claire Stott has kindly agreed to take over this position.
Judy Hosegood will continue as the group coordinator and Nadine Crook will take over the role of group secretary/ newsletter editor temporarily from Cath Adkins until July.
A review of the activities that Frome AI group has undertaken over the past year was emailed to everyone on Frome AI group’s email list. If you would like to receive regular emails about our events and our monthly newsletter then please contact Nadine Crook at to be added to the group’s email list.