Feel Free to Join In
The Haywards Heath AI Group has the following events coming up in the next few months to the end of 2019. If you’d like to join us, please email hhamnesty@gmail.com so that we know you are coming — and to check that there hasn’t been a change to the diary dates!
Town Day, Victoria Park
Saturday 7 September, 12 – 4pm
It’s one of the biggest local events of the year and we will have a stall with information and collecting signatures for the Azza Soliman campaign.
Monthly meetings
First Tuesday of the month. 7.45pm for 8pm start
We are a friendly group and the 7.45pm start is to allow for coffee. Dates for the rest of the 2019 are 3 September, 1 October, 5 November and 3 December. Please contact us for venue.
Sainsburys Collection
Thursday 5 December
Can you rattle a can? We’d be grateful for any offers of help – various slots available.
Carol Singing, Haywards Heath Rail Station
Friday 20 December, 5 – 7pm
We’ll raise our voices in festive spirit to sing and raise money for Amnesty!
Join us? Contact hhamnesty@gmail.com