Review of 2013

At our AGM on 14th January we reviewed our activities in 2013 and I think you’ll agree we did pretty well. Here’s an overview:
January started with our AGM and planning meeting. John, Jackie and Alison attended the EGM in London. A group went to a talk about the Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group.
In February we watched an Amnesty video about the destitution of refused asylum seekers who have not been detained; Daphne and Jacinta went to the South East regional meeting in Canterbury and we bought a new banner for our group.
The March meeting concentrated on the national AGM resolutions and Jackie took the group vote to Warwick.
Hugh Sandeman, Country Coordinator with the North Africa team visited us in April and brought us up to date on events in the region.
In May Jackie reported back on the activities of the AGM. We also had a pitch at the Rusper Boot sale selling books and plants.
There was an excellent turn out for our AmnesTea party in June in Audrey’s garden raising funds and awareness (and enjoying the cakes).
July’s Write-athon at the Friends Meeting House was very successful. We were pleased that as part of our campaigning for the Tawargha community in Libya we received a letter of support from representatives of Horsham District Council. This letter was delivered by IS researchers to the Misrahta council in Libya.
At our September meeting Nora Cranston talked to us about Women’s Rights in Afghanistan.
In September and October, to boost our fundraising Jacinta went to Fittleworth Charity market selling books and plants, followed by Steyning and Henfield Christmas markets where she sold Christmas gift baskets put together at our “craft” evening.
The Street collection in November raised a magnificent £628 thanks to improved weather and more collectors – well done!
In December we held a Write for Rights morning where cards were signed by the public for Jabeur Mejri in Tunisia, the Nabi Saleh community in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Laísa Santos Sampaio in Brazil.
Finally at our social evening on Human Rights Day (10 December), fortified by mullied wine and warmed by an open fire, we created a flower card to send to Laísa Santos Sampaio to encourage her in her campaigning for the environment.