Saturday 10 February: Street Campaigning in Kingston
We would like to thank Abdul Hafeez, a local member if the Ahmadiyya community, for visiting our well attended Kingston Group last month and telling us about his community's faith and the religious persecution it endures nationally and internationally.
This Saturday's Street Campaigning...
To follow this up, we are running a stall this Saturday (10th) to raise awareness of religious persecution. We will be asking members of the public to sign the attached letter to the Indonesian Embassy asking for the Ahmadi population to be protected under Article 18 of the UDHR. We will include cases relating to other faiths facing persecution.
We will be at the Church Gates at the top of Kingston Market Place. If you would like to join us for an hour or two between 10.30am and 12.30pm, please contact Ash on 07990 018 385 text preferred. Please check with him on the day if the weather looks bad.