Thursday 15 February: Annual Review Meeting
At our monthly meeting on Thursday 15th, 8pm, we will be holding the Annual Review of all our busy activities in the last year as well as our many plans for this new year.
Also, our 2017 accounts - which will have great news about our recent fundraising events - will be presented by Anne who is standing down as Treasurer and handing over to Isabelle.
One of the issues we wish to tackle this year is that of early forced marriage. This would involve Kingston Group joining and being active in Amnesty UK's Children's Human Rights Network.
One of our members, Vera, has carried out significant research on this global problem. At our meeting she will be providing an update as an introduction to this campaign.
We hope you can attend. We meet very informally at 8pm in the coffee lounge of the New Malden Methodist Church (at 49 High Street, just down from the station and next to Tudor Williams).
Ps: We are still in need of a permanant Chair for our Group. In the meantime, we are asking for any regular attendees to take turns as 'guest Chair' at meetings on an ad-hoc basis.