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Arms Trade Treaty: Great event at Manchester Museum

Arms Trade Treaty: Great event at Manchester Museum
Katie on Radio Manchester on Sunday 8am
Listen again to Michelle of Manchester Amnesty interviewed by Radio Manchester
Manchester Amnesty working closely with Oxfam had an excellent publicity event at Manchester Museum on Friday 25th May
Tony Lloyd MP and his co-worker Lucy Powell gave statements in support of the ATT. James from Sierrra Leone and Amro from Syria (both now living in Manchester) gave personal testimonies of the tragic effects of violence resulting from arms getting into the hands of dictators. 
The message delivered in front of the museum's enormous Tyrannosaurs Rex was: "There's international regulation for dinosaur bones - but none for arms transfers!"
You can hear our ATT Campaign Leader, Katie and Oxfam Campaign Manager, Nicola on Radio Manchester this Sunday 27th May at 8am - worth getting up early! Or use the listen again (i-player) facility on line.
And you can use the i-player to hear our group secretary Michelle interviewed at Mcr Museum last Friday.
Go to the website below and fast forward the i-player to 1:50.22.
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