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Notice of Group AGM on 13/02/2023

Manchester Amnesty

Annual General Meeting

6- 7.30pm, 13th February 2023, Manchester Central Library Third floor meeting room.

It will also be possible to join the meeting online.

Please contact Alison Wearden or Hazel Errey for the link.



  1. Welcome & Introduction


  1. Apologies


3.    Manchester Amnesty AGM:


  • Minutes of AGM of 14th March 2022
  • Proposed resolution:

That the Manchester Group constitution be amended as follows:

Section 4.1 Add “The secretary role may be split to share the workload. For example, there may be a separate membership secretary.”

Section 6.1 Insert the word “regular” before the word newsletter.

       Proposed by Alison Wearden.

  • Election of group officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary/Membership Secretary, Treasurer)
  • Treasurer's report (see attached)
  • Review of actions & campaigns achieved during 2022-3 
  • Confirm campaign areas for 2023-4 & appoint co-ordinators
  • AOB within AGM


  1. Resolution for AIUK AGM


5.    AOB generally

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