Weekly Action and News 03/01/2025
Manchester Amnesty Weekly Action and News
Please do this action and make a difference
The group Art not Evidence campaigns to stop the totally inappropriate and often racist use of drill and rap music as evidence in criminal trials. On Tuesday 7th January, they will be holding a drop-in session in the House of Commons aimed at informing MPs about this continuing source of injustice, which mainly affects young men of colour. Please use the suggested text below as a template to email your MP about the drop-in session and ask them to attend. If you have any personal experience of this issue, feel free to include some information about that. Please send the email today. If your MP cannot attend, it is still important to bring the issue to their attention.
Dear [MP’s name],
I am writing as one of your constituents to ask you to attend a drop-in session sponsored by Nadia Whittome MP for the ‘Art Not Evidence’ campaign on Tuesday 7 January 2025, from 11am to 1pm in Room P of Portcullis House.
The ‘Art Not Evidence’ campaign aims to challenge the inappropriate use of rap music as evidence in criminal trials—an issue that disproportionately affects Black children and teenagers. This misuse highlights racial injustice within the legal system and poses a significant threat to freedom of expression and the future of one of the UK's most popular music genres. The drop-in session provides an important opportunity to learn more about the campaign and the steps Parliament can take to address the issue. [Add personal experience if appropriate].
Please let me know if you’re able to attend on the 7th January. If you would like any further information before then please visit The Art Not Evidence site or email hello@artnotevidence.org
[Remember to include your name, address and postcode]
Our next monthly meeting will be on Monday 13th January, at 7pm, online. The primary focus will be on planning for the coming year. All are welcome, including new members. More details and zoom link will be issued nearer the time.
St Peters Square, Manchester, Friday 3rd January, 5-6pm.
Please do not bring placards, banners or flags.
We will provide placards with Amnesty’s messages, and tea-lights. Feel free to bring your friends.
Save the date! 5th and 6th July 2025
Amnesty International UK, Annual General Meeting and National Conference.
More information to follow.
Non Amnesty events and actions
Greater Manchester Friends of Palestine and other organisations
Stop Gaza Genocide. Justice for Palestine in 2025.
Demonstration, Saturday, 4th January, 12 noon, Piccadilly Gardens.
Whalley Range Peace and Justice Stand with Palestine
Each Wednesday 4.30-5.30 at Brooks Bar M16 7RN
Didsbury against genocide, rally, every Wednesday, 5.30-6.30pm outside the Library.
Levenshulme Peace and Justice for Palestine All out for Palestine
Each Thursday, 5-6pm, Levenshulme Village Green, junction of Stockport Rd & Chapel St
Good news
United Nations - On December 17, 2024, the General Assembly definitively approved with 130 votes in favour - more than two-thirds of member states -, 32 votes against and 22 abstentions the tenth biennial resolution on the moratorium on capital punishment.
United States of America - On December 18, 2024, the Montana Supreme Court found in favour of 16 young climate justice activists who had filed a lawsuit claiming that their health and future are jeopardized by climate change, ruling that the state Constitution guarantees young people the right to "a stable climate system".
United States of America - On December 23, 2024, President Biden commuted 37 of the 40 death sentences issued under federal civil law to life imprisonment.
El Salvador - On December 20, 2024, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights condemned El Salvador for preventing a young woman, Beatriz, from terminating her pregnancy even though it seriously compromised her health and the foetus had no chance of life. Beatriz's rights to health, judicial protection, private life and personal integrity were thus violated. The Court ordered El Salvador to take all necessary measures to ensure that this does not happen again and to provide Beatriz with appropriate medical care.
Italy - On December 26, 2024, the first of a group of asylum seekers rescued in 2018 by the merchant ship Asso 29 and illegally handed over to the Libyan authorities, arrived in Italy with a regular visa, in accordance with an order made by the Rome court in June 2024.
Manchester Amnesty issue and campaign coordinators
Anti-racism –Hazel Errey hazelerrey@gmail.com
Craftivism – please share your ideas for craftivism activities to our campaigns. alison.wearden@gmail.com
Europe/ Turkey Fatih Segmen - fsegmen@yahoo.com
Human Rights in the UK volunteer needed
Individuals at Risk (bi-monthly appeal writing drop ins and Write for Rights in Nov/Dec) – Anne Walker has stepped down volunteer needed
Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians - Mike Reed mikewreed101@gmail.com
LGBTQ+ and Pride – Zoe Song weiyi.zoe.song@gmail.com
Press freedom and Julian Assange – Lima Al-iskalachi limazakoor@gmail.com & Danny Jones dannyj644@gmail.comsu
Refugees Whatsapp group – Alison Wearden alison.wearden@gmail.com
UAE – Kathryn Fletcher bussk@btinternet.com
Our website Manchester | Amnesty International UK [amnesty.org.uk] (managed by Alison Wearden)
X/Twitter @amnestymanc [twitter.com] (managed by Steve Lindsay – stevenjameslindsay@gmail.com)
Facebook Manchester Amnesty Group [facebook.com] MANAGER NEEDED!
Instagram @amnestymanchester [instagram.com] (currently managed by Sara Baptista - sarabm6@gmail.com but we are looking for a new manager)
Alison Wearden
Communications Secretary
Manchester Group of Amnesty International
Please contact me with items for our Weekly Action and News email, or with ideas for longer articles for the quarterly Manchester Amnesty Group Bulletin.