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Weekly Action and News 03/11/2023

Manchester Amnesty Weekly Action and News


7:40am Radio Manchester, today 3/11, our member Mike Reed will be talking about our silent vigils for Israel and Gaza – listen live or on Sounds.


Please do these actions and make a difference


It is often said that the asylum system is broken, and it certainly is for those seeking asylum, but perhaps not for those private companies whose profits have soared as a result of their involvement in providing “housing” or other services for asylum seekers. This is the subject of Refugee Action’s current campaign highlighting the activities of four companies. You can read about the campaign here and watch their short campaign video here. Then take action by 1) sharing the video on Whatsapp or Twitter/X and 2) clicking the button below and signing the Refugee Action petition: The UK asylum system must not be run for profit. The asylum system should be there to make people safe, not to make rich people richer.




One of the companies in the Refugee Action video referred to above is Clearsprings Ready Homes. This company is providing completely substandard and inhumane accommodation for asylum seekers, including those with severe disabilities, at a site in Essex. The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) has produced an open letter which is now available for individuals and organisations to sign. It calls for the urgent provision of decent accommodation for disabled people seeking asylum. Read the letter and sign it by clicking the button below





Write for Rights 2023

Every year, Amnesty International run Write for Rights over November and December when we are encouraged to write messages of support to people around the world who have suffered injustice, and to send appeals of their behalf. This year’s campaign features 10 cases, including Ahmed Mansoor, in the UAE, for whom we have campaigned since he was arrested in 2017.


You can find out more and download the campaign booklet at


You can take part at home but better still, come along to our drop-in session at Central Library, Saturday 25th November 2-4pm, to the Whalley Range Peace and Justice event during the afternoon of Saturday 2nd December at St Margaret’s Church, and to our December group meeting Monday December 11th 6-80m at Central Library. It’s always more fun to do things together!


We are also running stalls to encourage members of the public to take part in Write for Rights. We need volunteers to help, at least 2 people per shift - preferably more. Can you help?


Volunteers needed!

Manchester Cathedral Stall   ̴ Wednesday 22nd November

Stall shifts 10-12, 12-2 or 2-4.

People’s History Museum

Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th December

Stall shifts 11-12.30, 12.30-2 or 2-4

If you can help, email NOW,

indicating your preferred date and time.




Third Silent vigil calling for a ceasefire

and the protection of civilians in Israel and Gaza

St Peters Square, Manchester, Friday 3rd November, 5pm to 6pm

Meet in front of Central Library. Look for the Manchester Amnesty yellow banner.


Please wear black/dark colours and please do not bring placards, banners or flags.


Simple placards will be provided bearing these messages:

Hamas: Release all hostages            Israel: No collective punishments    Protect all civilians Uphold International Law Protect human rights               Stop war crimes         

Ceasefire now             Humanitarian aid now


Our next monthly group meeting will be held online, 7pm on Monday 13th November.


Manchester City Council recently pledged to become a local authority of sanctuary.

At our November group meeting, Liz Hibberd, an Amnesty member who is also the Strategic & Partnership Lead at Manchester City of Sanctuary []will speak to us about how the various sanctuary streams work, and how they link together to mobilise the wider public and amplify the message of welcome to refugees. We will have the opportunity to discuss what will happen as Manchester becomes a City of Sanctuary and how we can play an active role in supporting the process.


Plus updates on all our other campaigns. All are welcome, including new members. Look out for the zoom link which will be emailed to all. We hope to see you there!



The next Acoustic Amnesty gig

will take place on Friday 8th December, 7.30 pm at Sacred Trinity Church

to raise funds for Amnesty and Safe Passage International

Tickets available here

WeGotTickets | Simple, honest ticketing | Acoustic Amnesty gig for Safe Passage refugee charity


Non-Amnesty events


Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign demonstration

TOMORROW Saturday 4th November, 12 noon, St. Peter’s Square.

Please support the demonstration, but please do not display Amnesty banners or logos.


Saddleworth Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund Autumn Fundraiser

A Breakfast for Palestine (Buffet Breakfast)

Saturday November 18th, 2023 10:30am- 1pm

Uppermill Methodist Church Hall, High Street, OL3 6AX

With update from Gaza, readings and short films


Good news

Japan - On October 25, 2023, the Supreme Court 2023 declared unconstitutional the rule, contained in the Gender Identity Disorders (sic) Law, which required a person who wanted to legally change their gender to undergo surgical sterilization.


Turkey - On October 25, 2023, the Constitutional Court ruled that the detention of Can Atalay, a human rights lawyer and parliamentarian, violates his fundamental rights. Atalay was arrested on April 25, 2022, on the spurious charge of "collaborating to overthrow the government."


Afghanistan - On 25 October 2023, Matiullah Wesa, an educator and activist for girls' education, who was arrested on trumped-up charges on 27 March and on whose behalf Amnesty International had launched urgent action, was released. 


Italy - On October 26, 2023, the court of Genoa ruled that two German women, a German man and an American man, rendered temporarily or permanently disabled, must be compensated for the torture they were subjected to in the Diaz school and in the Bolzaneto barracks, in Genoa, on the occasion of the G8 in 2001.


United States of America - On October 26, 2023, the Texas State Court of Appeals stayed the execution of William Speer, just hours before it was due to take place. Speer was sentenced to death for the 1997 murder of an inmate at his prison. The victim's sister had asked for clemency.


Malaysia - On October 27, 2023, the Court of Appeal commuted the death sentences imposed in the first instance on three men found guilty of murder. The three inmates will have to serve sentences of between 10 and 12 years.


Manchester Amnesty issue and campaign coordinators

Anti-racism –Hazel Errey next meeting 4th October, contact Hazel for link

Craftivism Lima Al-Iskalachi

Europe/ Turkey Fatih Segmen  -

Human Rights in the UK Lancine Sacko  -

Individuals at Risk (bi-monthly appeal writing drop ins) - Anne Walker

Manchester Central Library café, 2-4pm 4th Saturdays November, January, March, May, July

Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians  - Mike Reed

LGBTQ+ and Pride coordinator – Zoe Song

Press freedom and Julian Assange – Lima Al-Iskalachi

Refugees – Alison Wearden

UAE – Kathryn Fletcher


Our website Manchester | Amnesty International UK


Alison Wearden 

Communications Secretary 

Manchester Group of Amnesty International 

Please contact me with items for our Weekly Action and News email, or with ideas for longer articles for the quarterly Manchester Amnesty Group Bulletin.

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