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Weekly Action and News 07/04/2023

Manchester Amnesty Weekly Actions and News


Please do this action and make a difference


One of this week’s good news items (towards the end of this email) is that child defendant Mohammad Al-Faraj is no longer facing the threat of execution in Saudi Arabia. But there are many other child defendants who are facing execution, including Abdullah al-Howaiti, who was 14 years old when he was convicted of a crime he could not have committed. Please sign this petition by Reprieve, which demands that the Saudi authorities spare the lives of all child defendants on death row and stop sentencing child defendants to death.





April Monthly Group meeting


This month’s meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 11th at 7pm, online.

We will be focusing on Amnesty's campaign on Israel's apartheid against Palestinians, showing a short film, and providing information about events in May to mark the 75th anniversary of the "Nakba". You can also catch up on all our other campaigns. 

All are welcome, including new members.

An email with a zoom link for the meeting will be sent to all members. Please look out for it!



Saturday 8th April, 12 noon, Piccadilly Gardens. Emergency demonstration


Supported by Youth Front for Palestine, Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Manchester Jewish Action for Palestine and 11 other organisations. More details on Facebook

Against the brutal beatings of Palestinian worshippers by Israeli security forces at the Al-Asqa mosque in Jerusalem. You can read what Amnesty have said about these recent events here


Sunday, 9 April, 6-7pm

Rethink Rebuild Society is pleased to invite you to

Refugees, the Lived Experience

A Conversation with Bayan Hakki

Zoom link here   Meeting ID: 814 5681 9034 Passcode: 073643




Acoustic Amnesty!

The next fabulous Acoustic Amnesty event will be on

Saturday 15th April, 2023, doors open 7pm, start 7:30

At the King’s Arms, Bloom Street, Salford

5 great acts will be playing to raise money for Amnesty and other charities

Tickets (£10 plus £1 booking fee) available here:

WeGotTickets | Simple, honest ticketing | Acoustic Amnesty at the Kings Arms



We have been approached by Dark Matter, an organisation which connects Black audiences with books and film, about the film Riotsville, USA, which is out in cinemas and on demand this week. The film is a powerful look at how US citizens and institutions reacted to the rebellions of the late 1960s. It shows how those reactions reverberate today in the UK in the form of militarised policing, the criminalisation of protestors and police impunity. Use this link to find out where you can see the film, or how you can watch it on demand. 🎟️  Book NOW:



Last year, we had a stall, organised by Anne Walker, at the

Manchester Metropolitan University Mid-Summer Sustainability Festival.

It focused on young climate defenders and was well-received. This year’s event takes place on Friday 16th June 10am-6pm, and we have been asked if we would like to contribute again. Anne is not available. Is there anybody who would like to run a stall, speak, present a poster or even a workshop on sustainability and human rights? If so, please let me know and I will pass your details on.



Dates for upcoming campaigning events

Please put the following dates on your calendar, as we will be calling for volunteers to help out at each of the events below. More details will be provided as the events draw near.


Saturday May 13th – Israel’s Apartheid - March and rally in Liverpool City Centre

Saturday May 27th – letter-writing drop in at Manchester Central Library

Sunday June 4th – Refugee month event at Burnage Open Gardens

Saturday June 10th – UAE/Craftivism event - COP28, Didsbury Festival

Sat/Sun June 24/25 – Refugee week events at Chorlton Open Gardens



Good news


India - On 27 March 2023, the Supreme Court ordered the release of Marayan Chetanram Chaudhary after he had spent 25 years awaiting execution. The judges allowed the prisoner's appeal, recognizing that at the time of the triple murder for which he was sentenced to death, he was only 12 years old.


On 29 March 2023, the United Nations General Assembly adopted by consensus a resolution proposed by Pacific island states calling on the International Court of Justice to issue an opinion on states' legal obligations with respect to climate justice.


Europe - On 30 March 2023, the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture published a report confirming Amnesty International's allegations of systematic torture by border authorities in various Council of Europe states against migrants and refugees seeking international protection.


Italy - On March 30, 2023, the European Parliament condemned Italy’s conservative government after it demanded that a council stop registering the children of same-sex parents, widely seen as a move designed to restrict LGBTQ+ rights.


Saudi Arabia – 4th April 2023, Mohammad Al-Faraj, a child defendant whose “crimes” included attending his uncle’s funeral, and who had been sentenced to death, was told that he will not be executed, although he will spend five more years in prison.



Manchester Amnesty Subgroups and other work

If you would like to join any of our subgroups, please contact the current convenors for joining details. 


UAE Next meeting tbc, contact Kathryn Fletcher for joining link,

Refugees – Next meeting tbc please contact Alison Wearden, if you would like to join

Anti-racism – Next meeting tbc, please contact Hazel Errey if you would like to join

Craftivism Next meeting Saturday 29th April, Manchester Art Gallery studio room, 1-4pm, please contact Kathryn Fletcher if you would like to join . Kathryn will be stepping down as craftivism coordinator so if you would like to take on this role, please let her know.

Individuals at Risk (bi-monthly letter writing drop ins) Next session, Saturday, 27th May 2-4pm, then 4th Saturday in July, September, November. Manchester Central Library, café area. Contact Anne Walker for more information


Other areas of work are led by:

Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians Mike Reed

LGBTQ+ and Pride coordinator – Zoe Song

Europe/ Turkey, Fatih Segmen,

Human Rights in the UK, Lancine Sacko,


Alison Wearden 

Communications Secretary 

Manchester Group of Amnesty International 

Please contact me with items for our Weekly Action and News email, or with ideas for longer articles for the quarterly Manchester Amnesty Group Bulletin.

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