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Weekly Action and News 10/02/2023

Manchester Amnesty Weekly Action and News


As Amnesty have stated, humanity is under threat from climate change.

Fossil fuel companies are driving the climate crisis - causing death, destruction and displacement around the world. The climate crisis knows no borders, but people in countries like Pakistan, Kenya and the Philippines that have done the least to cause the climate crisis, are paying the highest price.


This is environmental racism and fossil fuel companies have been getting away with countless crimes against the environment and humanity for far too long. For a safe and fair world, we need climate justice and Polluters Must Pay for the damages they are causing around the world.


This action is a petition from Greenpeace.





Annual General Meeting

Monday February 13th 2023, 6pm, Manchester Central Library or online


The meeting will be in the third floor meeting room at Manchester Central Library (the room where we held our in person meeting in December). There will be notices to direct you.


The agenda, minutes of last year’s AGM, treasurer’s report and link to join the meeting online have already been sent out to all members by email, but let Alison Wearden know if you need them sent again


All are welcome, including new members.



Next Friday!

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There’s still time to buy your tickets!


It’s nearly time for our Acoustic Amnesty event,

in conjunction with our friends from

Women Asylum Seekers Together (WAST).


Friday 17th February, 7pm,

at Sacred Trinity Church in Salford


With 6 choirs, 3 poets, a singer and a band.

All for £10.


It will be great, please bring lots of friends!


Tickets are available here: WeGotTickets | Simple, honest ticketing | Acoustic Amnesty - choirs and friends






Forthcoming events


An invitation from Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign


Stories from Gaza – a talk by Haneen Jadalla.

Thursday 23rd February at Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS.


Haneen has been an English teacher in Gaza since 2013, with special expertise in children’s drama.  She encourages her students to write and perform plays so that their voices may be heard in the wider world. She will speak about the challenges of her job and about the children's success with The Hands Up Project.


Open to all. Register for your free place on Eventbrite. Donations welcome.



The Northern Regional Conference is going ahead, on 11th March 2023, ONLINE only.

Details of the programme will be released shortly, together with information about how to register and join the conference.

All individual and group members from the North of England are welcome to attend.



Good news


Myanmar - On 31 January 2023, in response to a request from Amnesty International, the governments of Canada and the United Kingdom announced the adoption of measures to prevent fuel supplies from reaching the Myanmar Air Force, which is responsible for war crimes in the conflict with different ethnic states in the country.


Denmark - On 31 January 2023, the government decided to grant asylum to all women from Afghanistan, due to the "deterioration of the living conditions of all women in that country".


Finland - On 1 February 2023, parliament passed a law cancelling the sterilisation and psychiatric diagnosis obligations, which were required for transgender people to obtain legal recognition of their gender.


Iran - On February 3, 2023, after more than 200 days in prison and two days of hunger and thirst strike, well-known director Jafar Panahi was released on bail. He was arrested in July 2022 to serve a six-year sentence for "propaganda against the system".


Manchester Amnesty Subgroups and other work

If you would like to join any of our subgroups, please contact the current convenors for joining details. 


UAE Next meeting Wednesday 22nd February, 6pm, on zoom, contact Kathryn Fletcher for joining link,

Refugees – Next meeting, Monday 6th March, 6pm, on zoom please contact Alison Wearden, if you would like to join

Anti-racism – Next meeting, Tuesday 28th February, 6pm, online,  please contact Hazel Errey if you would like to join

Craftivism Next meeting Sunday 19th February, 6pm, online, please contact Kathryn Fletcher if you would like to join

Individuals at Risk (bi-monthly letter writing drop ins) Next session, Saturday, 25th March 2-4pm, then 4th Saturday in May, July, September, November. Manchester Central Library, café area. Contact Anne Walker for more information


Other areas of work are led by:

Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians Mike Reed

Crisis and Tactical Afghanistan, Myanmar, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen Rebecca Shaw,

Europe/ Turkey, Fatih Segmen,



Alison Wearden 

Communications Secretary 

Manchester Group of Amnesty International 

Please contact me with items for our Weekly Action and News email, or with ideas for longer articles for the quarterly Manchester Amnesty Group Bulletin.

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