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Weekly Action and News 13/01/2023

Manchester Amnesty Weekly Action and News


Please do this action and make a difference 


This week’s action needs to be done soon. It concerns the case of Huang Qi, the founder of a website “ 64 Tianwang” which reports on human rights violations in China. Over the years, Huang and other contributors to the website have been repeatedly harassed and detained. Currently, Huang, who suffers from several serious health conditions, is serving a 12-year sentence. He has been ill treated whilst in prison, and concern over his health is growing. Amnesty is calling for him to have access to proper medical care and legal services.





Subscriptions to the group due now, please!


Voluntary subscriptions to the group are now due. We suggest £20 per year for those who receive a wage or a pension, and £5 (or whatever you can afford) for others. We do not want to discourage people from taking part in our meetings or activities because they cannot afford to pay subs.

In order to make a payment to the group, either do so directly by bank transfer to our account:


Manchester Amnesty Group, 68177527, 05-05-73, preferably with the reference “subs”,


or contact our treasurer Sean Dunne ( for other ways to pay. If you are able, it might be a good idea to set up a standing order, so that you don’t need to think about subs each year.




Upcoming events

Bi monthly letter writing drop-in.

Enjoy a convivial afternoon with friends, writing Amnesty appeal letters for individuals at risk.


Saturday, 28th January, 2-4pm, café area of Manchester Central Library.

All materials provided. If you prefer to send an email, please bring a device. Free wifi is available.


We will also be making “Protect the Protest” ankle tags.

Children of all ages might enjoy this activity!


There is no need to book a place, just drop in for half an hour, or for the whole two hours!


Date for your diary

Acoustic Amnesty 17th February, from 7pm.

Following the fantastic success of our Acoustic Amnesty fundraising event in November, we are pleased to announce our next Acoustic Amnesty event, in conjunction with our friends from Women Asylum Seekers Together (WAST) and featuring 5 choirs, 3 poets, a singer and a band. It will take place on Friday 17th February, 7pm,  at Sacred Trinity Church in Salford. For those who want to get their tickets early, they are available here:

WeGotTickets | Simple, honest ticketing | Acoustic Amnesty - choirs and friends


Other events

Next week, 17th – 23rd January, Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign will be supporting the Ferranti2 at Manchester Crown Court


This case concerns a collaboration between XR North and Palestine Action during February 2021, when 8 activists occupied the Elbit Ferranti factory in Oldham. Two of those who occupied the porch of Cairo House were charged with criminal damage of approx £5K. They pleaded not guilty to committing any crime. Their trial will begin on the 14th March at Manchester Crown Court. You can get more information from the original Palestine Action press release here:


You can show solidarity with these brave individuals each day between Tuesday 17th and Friday 20th January 2023. Gather from 09.30 a.m. at Manchester Crown Court, Minshull Street, Manchester, M1 3FS. Court dates are often changed at the last minute, so please check the PSC website before you set off.


This event is in London on 11th February, but keep your eyes open for future events in Manchester in support of Julian Assange. They will be publicised here.












Good news


Iraq - On December 27, 2022, a joint statement was issued by Iraq’s Prime Minister and the UN on the decision to grant Yazidis ownership of their lands in Sinjar, 47 years after this right had been abolished by discriminatory official policies of the then-ruling Ba'ath party.


United States of America - On January 5, 2023, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee suspended all scheduled executions. A month earlier, an independent report had revealed that since 2018, the year of the resumption of executions, the protocol on the use of lethal injection had been repeatedly violated with respect to the storage, preparation and verification of the effectiveness of medicines.


Tanzania - On 3 January 2023, President Samia Suluhu Hassan announced the lifting of the ban on public rallies, in force against opposition parties since 2016.



Manchester Amnesty Subgroups and other work

If you would like to join any of our subgroups, please contact the current convenors for joining details. 


UAE – Next meeting tbc, Kathryn Fletcher,

Refugees – Next meeting, Monday 16th January, 7pm, online, please contact Alison Wearden, if you would like to join

Anti-racism – Next meeting,Thursday 19th January, 7pm, online, please contact Hazel Errey if you would like to join

Craftivism –Next meeting tbc, Kathryn Fletcher

Individuals at Risk (bi-monthly letter writing drop ins) Next session, Saturday, 28th January 2-4pm, Manchester Central Library, café area. Contact Anne Walker for more information


Other areas of work are led by:

Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians Mike Reed

Crisis and Tactical Afghanistan, Myanmar, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen Rebecca Shaw,

Europe/ Turkey, Fatih Segmen,



Alison Wearden 

Communications Secretary 

Manchester Group of Amnesty International 

Please contact me with items for our Weekly Action and News email, or with ideas for longer articles for the quarterly Manchester Amnesty Group Bulletin.

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