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Weekly Action and News 13/10/2023

Manchester Amnesty Weekly Action and News


Please do this action and make a difference


Israel Gaza conflict

In the light of the recent shocking events in Israel and Gaza, it is vital that we promote the important message of respect for international law, and condemn the killing of civilians and collective punishment, both of which are forbidden under international law. We urge all our members and supporters to take one or all of the actions below.

  1. Please write letters and emails to the media (Guardian, Manchester Evening News etc). You could also write to your MP, to the Prime Minister and other ministers, to local Councillors and to other public figures. We have attached a document with suggested points to make in your letters and emails. This document will also be placed on our website here
  2. Alternatively you can take this War on Want Action, with a simple click here, where a letter to your MP has been prepared for you. You may amend the letter or send it as it is.
  3. Please join our Zoom meeting to plan further actions by Manchester Amnesty on Monday 16th October at 7pm. The link will be sent to all members by email.




Can you help out at our next craft stall? We need more volunteers!

25th October at the People’s History Museum in Manchester.

Help visitors to the stall to print messages on to pre-loved tee-shirts, and spread the word about climate rights and human rights. You can help even if you’ve never done wood block printing before, as we’ll show you what to do. It’s not difficult (although a bit messy).

We are short of plain pre-loved tee-shirts in all sizes (from 3 months to XXL).

If you can help or have any tee-shirts to donate please contact Kathryn



Rethink Rebuild Society is pleased to invite you to


How housing affects the lives of refugees in the UK

A conversation with Professor Phil Brown, in English and Arabic

As part of 'Refugees, the Lived Experience' series

Wednesday, 18 October, 7.30 - 8.45 pm

Online Event via Zoom, please register here




A screening of “The Old Oak” by Ken Loach, followed by open discussion

Wednesday, 1st November at 7.15pm

Rethink Rebuild Society, First Floor, Discovery House, Manchester, SK4 5BH

Run time 1 hr 53 mins,certificate 15, in English

Please book your seat here






There will be a sale of charity Christmas cards, including an Amnesty stall, on Saturday 28th October at St Paul’s Church in Heaton Moor, from 10-12 am, with refreshments available.










The next Acoustic Amnesty gig

will take place on Friday 8th December, 7.30 pm at Sacred Trinity Church

to raise funds for Amnesty and Safe Passage International

Tickets available here

WeGotTickets | Simple, honest ticketing | Acoustic Amnesty gig for Safe Passage refugee charity



Good news


European Union - On 1 October 2023, the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) entered into force for the European Union. The EU becomes the 38th contracting party.


Mauritius - On October 4, 2023, the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional Article 250 of the Penal Code, dating back to 1898, which punished sexual relations between adults of the same sex with penalties of up to five years in prison. According to the judges, "the rule does not reflect any homegrown value but is a legacy of British colonial history".


Malaysia - On 5 October 2023, an appeals court commuted to 30 years in prison the death sentence of a man and a woman who, in 2014, had been found guilty of the murder of her son.


Nobel Peace Prize – On 6 October, 2023, jailed Iranian activist Narges Mohammadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her efforts to promote human rights and freedom for all.


Manchester Amnesty issue and campaign coordinators

Anti-racism –Hazel Errey next meeting 4th October, contact Hazel for link

Craftivism Lima Al-Iskalachi

Europe/ Turkey Fatih Segmen  -

Human Rights in the UK Lancine Sacko  -

Individuals at Risk (bi-monthly appeal writing drop ins) - Anne Walker

Manchester Central Library café, 2-4pm 4th Saturdays November, January, March, May, July

Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians  - Mike Reed

LGBTQ+ and Pride coordinator – Zoe Song

Press freedom and Julian Assange – Lima Al-Iskalachi

Refugees – Alison Wearden

UAE – Kathryn Fletcher


Alison Wearden 

Communications Secretary 

Manchester Group of Amnesty International 

Please contact me with items for our Weekly Action and News email, or with ideas for longer articles for the quarterly Manchester Amnesty Group Bulletin.

Israel Gaza conflict - points for letters emails to post on website.docx
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