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Weekly Action and News 21/04/2023

Manchester Amnesty Weekly Action and News


Please do this action and make a difference


During the legislative scrutiny for the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill 2022, parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) discovered that police forces do not collect details about how, when and in what circumstances the police impose restrictions on rights to freedom of assembly. The JCHR recommended the creation of a publicly accessible central database that allows anyone to find this information. Unsurprisingly, their recommendation was ignored. 


Research published by Netpol, the Network for Police Monitoring, shows continuing difficulties in obtaining even the most basic data from the police. Netpol are encouraging supporters to write to their MP asking them call on the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) to set up a publicly accessible central database, as soon as possible. Netpol are also organising an online briefing for MPs at 3pm on Thurdsay 27 April, which you can ask your MP to join.


You can find a draft email here but it is recommended that you personalise it for greater impact. (Note that the draft email refers to the Met, as this is the force which uses powers to restrict assembly most often, but the general principle of access to information about the use of these powers applies to all our police forces.)






Campaign Against the Arms Trade, Online Film Launch Event: 

"Arms Sales to Dictators, Displacement, and Militarised Borders"

Date: Monday 24th April. Venue: Online, Time: 18:30-20:00


A new film on the UK government and arms industry’s involvement in the Syrian Civil war.


To register for this free event, sign up via Zoom:


Human Rights in the UK QUIZ

Wednesday April 26th, at 7pm, online

The Amnesty NW Regional group are organising a quiz about human rights in the UK.

The government’s attacks on the rights of the people in the UK are so many and various that it is hard to keep up. Join in this quiz and find out how much you know.

There is no need to book, but it would be useful if you would let Anne Walker know if you plan to attend .

Zoom link:

 Passcode: 304147 Meeting ID: 836 2549 2139


On Friday 28th April at 7pm, St Margaret’s Church, Rufford Rd, M16 8AE

supported by the Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign and with the Open Voice Choir

the Tadhamon Singers present an evening of songs, stories and pictures from Palestine.

There will be refreshments and a stall selling Palestinian goods.


Tadhamon Singers support the struggle for justice and equality for Palestine by engaging in activism in the UK against the injustices of the Israeli Apartheid regime.


Entry is free, donations are welcome. Please reserve your ticket here

We Stand With You Tickets, Fri 28 Apr 2023 at 19:00 | Eventbrite





Dates for upcoming campaigning events

Please put the following dates on your calendar, as we will be calling for volunteers to help out at each of the events below. More details will be provided as the events draw near.


Israel’s Apartheid against the Palestinians

Rally: Tues 9 May 6.30-8pm: The Old Stone Arch, Wapping (Albert Dock entrance), L3 4AS

March & rally: Sat 13 May 1-3pm: March from St Luke’s Bombed Out Church, Leece St, L1 2TR to Victoria Monument, Derby Square, L2 1AB


Saturday May 27th – letter-writing drop in, 2-4pm, at Manchester Central Library

Sunday June 4th – Refugee month event at Burnage Open Gardens

Saturday June 10th – UAE/Craftivism event – climate and human rights, COP28, Didsbury Festival

Sat/Sun June 24/25 – Refugee week events at Chorlton Open Gardens

Sunday July 16th- UAE/Craftivism event – Arab Arts Festival, Sefton Park, Liverpool


Good news


United States of America - On April 10, 2023, for the first time during his term, Louisiana State Governor John Bel Edwards called for the abolition of the death penalty. His speech coincided with the beginning of the legislative session.


Indonesia - On April 14, 2023, In a decision considered unprecedented, President Joko Widodo pardoned Merri Utami, sentenced to death in 2002 on charges of importing heroin from Nepal. She always maintained that she was deceived and was never aware that she was carrying drugs.


Iran - On April 11, 2023, human rights lawyer Mustafa Nili was freed. He was arrested on November 7, 2022 in the capital Tehran after he defended several protesters arrested during protests that began in September. He had been imprisoned on a previous occasion for challenging the measures taken by the government to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.


Manchester Amnesty Subgroups and other work

If you would like to join any of our subgroups, please contact the current convenors for joining details. 


UAE Next meeting Tuesday, April 25th 5.30pm, zoom, contact Kathryn Fletcher for joining link,

Refugees – Next meeting Wednesday, 10th May, 6pm, zoom please contact Alison Wearden, if you would like to join

Anti-racism – Next meeting tbc on zoom, please contact Hazel Errey if you would like to join

Craftivism Next meeting Saturday 29th April, Manchester Art Gallery studio room, 1-4pm, please contact Kathryn Fletcher if you would like to join . Kathryn will be stepping down as craftivism coordinator so if you would like to take on this role, please let her know.

Individuals at Risk (bi-monthly letter writing drop ins) Next session, Saturday, 27th May 2-4pm, then 4th Saturday in July, September, November. Manchester Central Library, café area. Contact Anne Walker for more information


Other areas of work are led by:

Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians Mike Reed

LGBTQ+ and Pride coordinator – Zoe Song

Europe/ Turkey, Fatih Segmen,

Human Rights in the UK, Lancine Sacko,


Alison Wearden 

Communications Secretary 

Manchester Group of Amnesty International 

Please contact me with items for our Weekly Action and News email, or with ideas for longer articles for the quarterly Manchester Amnesty Group Bulletin.

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