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Weekly Action and News 21/06/2024

Manchester Amnesty Weekly Action and News


Please do this action and make a difference


This week’s action will be carried out alongside similar actions by four other Amnesty local groups. During the week of 22nd – 29th June, we will be sending hundreds of post cards to the chairman of Manchester City Football Club , Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak, asking him to use his influence as a government minister in the UAE to release two human rights activists imprisoned for their work. They are Dr Mohammed Al-Roken and Ahmed Mansoor. You can find more information about why we are campaigning for these two remarkable men by clicking the link below.

For the action, please:

  1. Make a post card in the shape of a key. Decorate it to make it eye catching.  
  2. On one side write in bold letters:   Free Ahmed Mansoor or Free Dr Al-Roken
  3. On the other side address it to: 

Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak, Director of Manchester City Football Club, City Football HQ, 400 Ashton New Road, Manchester, M11 4TQ. Don’t forget to leave space for the stamp.

  1. Please post the card during the week of 22-29 June








Silent vigil calling for a permanent ceasefire

and the protection of all civilians in Palestine and Israel

St Peters Square, Manchester, Friday 21st June, 5pm to 6pm

Meet in front of Central Library

Please wear black/dark colours

and please do not bring placards, banners or flags.

We will provide placards with Amnesty’s messages. Feel free to bring your friends.

We will continue with the weekly vigils until further notice.


Would you like to organise and run our appeal writing sessions?

Anne Walker has been running the appeal-writing sessions for many years and needs to hand this task over to another member, so that she can focus on her regional rep activities. The role has the advantage of being regular and predictable. The writing sessions take place on 6 Saturday afternoons per year. Some additional researching and organisation of materials is also required.

If you would like take on this role, please contact Anne




We are hoping to have a stall on Sunday 14th July at this year’s festival by SPARKLE, the national transgender charity, which will take place in Sackville Gardens, Manchester.

Thanks to those who have already volunteered to help out on the day. We are still looking for a volunteer who could transport materials. Please contact Zoe Song


SAVE THE DATE  for this year’s Manchester Pride Parade, which will take place

in Manchester (route tba) on Saturday, 24th August.



Non-Amnesty events


Rethink Rebuild Society is pleased to invite you to
As part of Celebrating Syria Festival 2024
Sunday, 23 June, 12pm - 5pm
Aviva Studios, Water St, Manchester, M3 4JQ

Ice and Fire

Tales from the Hostile Environment

Members of the Actors for Human Rights network are touring the UK to present staged readings of this script in the run up to election day.

In Manchester on Monday 1st July 7.30pm at 53TWO. More information here


Greater Manchester Friends of Palestine and other organisations


Public Meeting

Palestine, Militarism and the Race to War: An Election Special

2p, Sunday 30th June, Mechanics Institute, 103, Princess Street, M1 6DD.


The Big Ride for Palestine

Every year since 2015, The Big Ride for Palestine has seen cyclists fly the flag for Palestine across Britain, spreading awareness about the Palestinian struggle for justice while raising vital funds for organisations in Palestine. This year’s Big Rides, in the context of the genocidal assaults taking place in Gaza, will provide a way to demonstrate solidarity with Palestinians. The North West ride of 36 miles (60 km) takes place in Manchester on 3rd August. Time to don your lycra!

More details and registration here


Whalley Range Peace and Justice Stand with Palestine

Each Wednesday 4.30-5.30 at Brooks Bar (junction Upper Chorlton Rd/Moss Lane East/Withington Rd)


Please support these events but please do not take Amnesty banners.


Good news


Iran - On June 9, 2024, the Supreme Court overturned the death sentence of Seyed Mohammad-Javad Vafaie for the second time. The case was reassigned to another court for a new trial.


Iran - On June 11, 2024, the Supreme Court commuted the death sentence of Sunni Kurdish cleric Mohammad Khezrnezhad to an unspecified prison sentence. The arrest and conviction were linked to the protests of the "Women Life Freedom" movement.


Israel - Occupied Palestinian Territory - On 9 June 2024, Palestinian activist Bassem Tamimi was released from prison after spending seven and a half months in administrative detention.


Kyrgyzstan - On June 14, 2024, 22 people who had been arrested in October 2022 for peacefully protesting against a new agreement to demarcate the border with Uzbekistan and then charged with "mass riots," were acquitted. The prosecution had asked for sentences of more than 20 years in prison.


Mongolia - On 12 June 2024, following an appeal by Amnesty International, the Constitutional Court ruled that the provisions of the Police Regulations Law on arrests and pre-trial detention were unconstitutional.


USA - Colombia - On June 12, 2024, a U.S. court recognized the responsibility of the multinational banana company Chiquita in financing the paramilitary group United Self-Defense of Colombia. The company was called upon to pay compensation


United Kingdom - On June 13, 2024, the High Court allowed Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch to become parties to a lawsuit brought by al-Haq and the Global Legal Action Network to stop the shipment of weapons to Israel. Read AIUK’s repsonse to the ruling here.


United Kingdom – On June 19, 2024, the High Court found that the former Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, had acted illegally in deciding not to act on two recommendations of the Williams Review into the Windrush scandal.


Manchester Amnesty issue and campaign coordinators

Anti-racism –Hazel Errey

Craftivism – Lima Al-Iskalachi

Europe/ Turkey Fatih Segmen  -

Human Rights in the UK Iona Bruce –

Individuals at Risk (bi-monthly appeal writing drop ins and Write for Rights in Nov/Dec) – Anne Walker

Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians  - Mike Reed

LGBTQ+ and Pride  – Zoe Song

Press freedom and Julian Assange – Lima Al-iskalachi & Danny Jones

Refugees Whatsapp group – Alison Wearden

UAE – Kathryn Fletcher


Our website Manchester | Amnesty International UK [] (managed by Alison Wearden)

X/Twitter @amnestymanc []  (managed by Steve Lindsay –

Facebook Manchester Amnesty Group []

Instagram @amnestymanchester [] (managed by Sara Baptista -


Alison Wearden 

Communications Secretary 

Manchester Group of Amnesty International 

Please contact me with items for our Weekly Action and News email, or with ideas for longer articles for the quarterly Manchester Amnesty Group Bulletin.


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