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Weekly Action and News 23/06/2023

Manchester Amnesty Weekly Action and News 


Please do this action and make a difference 


Our action this week comes from Freedom from Torture

The government plan to house refugees on a barge 'the Bibby Stockholm' -  effectively a floating prison that's likely to be cruel, cramped and completely inadequate accommodation for torture survivors. They have steered the barge into Portland Port in Dorset. BUT, the privately owned port has the power to say, 'Not in our name and not in our port'. Together we must urge them to stand on the right side of history and refuse to profit from the pain & suffering of refugees. 

Please email Portland Port to ask them to refuse to be part of the government’s plans. Freedom from Torture have had success with this type of action before (e.g. getting airlines to withdraw from the Rwanda scheme). The email has been written for you on the link below.  



 Let's tell Portland Port: say no to floating prisons | (



Forthcoming Manchester Amnesty events. Please volunteer to help if you can. 



Amnesty’s campaign – Israeli Apartheid against the Palestinians. 

On Saturday 1st July, lunchtime/early afternoon (time to be confirmed), we will have a 

Street Action in Exchange Square Manchester to publicise the Israeli Apartheid campaign. 

We will be displaying photos and speaking to passers-by about the issues. 

Information is available to help you to know what to say! 

If you would like to join in, please contact Mike Reed 




We are looking for members to help at a  

Manchester Amnesty stall on Sunday 9th July at the Sparkle weekend.  

Sparkle is billed as the world’s largest free-to-attend celebration of gender diversity – see this link: 

Everybody is welcome, whether members of the LGBTQ+ community or not.  

Please contact Zoe Wong if you can help or want more information 




After the huge success of our combined Manchester-Liverpool Amnesty COP28/UAE-focused stall at the Didsbury Festival on 10th June, we are looking for volunteers to help out when we have a similar stall on 16th July at the Arab Art festival in Sefton Park, Liverpool.  

The block printing of slogans and designs onto pre-loved teeshirts was really popular and created a great opportunity to talk to people about climate rights and human rights. If you can make it for a few hours, you are guaranteed to have fun at this family-friendly event! Lifts may be available. 

Please contact Kathryn Fletcher if you want to go





Manchester Amnesty Press Freedom/Julian Assange subgroup 

Lima Al-Iskalachi is keen to welcome members to work with her on the issue of press freedom and to fight for Julian Assange, who recently lost an appeal against extradition to the US. Amnesty have spoken out against the extradition of Assange, citing serious concerns about his potential treatment in custody. If you would like to get involved, please contact Lima 





We are looking for a member to take over the management of our Instagram account.  

If you are interested, please contact or 


Members may be interested in supporting Greater Manchester Community Renewables’  (GMCR) community energy project to install solar arrays on schools and community centres, helping them to save money on their bills and reduce their carbon footprint.  You can invest in the project, or you can just spread the word. See GMCR’s facebook page. 


External events 



Rethink Rebuild Society 

presents a screening and discussion of the film Life and Nothing More by Abbas Kiarostami 

on Friday 23rd June at the Rethink Rebuild office (address on link) at 19:30 prompt. 

Use this link to book your place 


This year’s guest speaker at the Tom Hurndall Memorial Lecture will be  

Professor Rabab Abdulhadi, whose lecture is entitled 

’75 Years of Nakba, Sumoud & Solidarity: Honouring Tom Hurndall – A Palestinian Martyr’.  

Monday 26 June, at 6.30-8.00 in Lecture Theatre 4, Manton Building,  

Manchester Metropolitan University, Oxford Road, Manchester, M15 6EB. 

Book your tickets here 

Tom Hurndall Memorial Lecture 2023 Tickets, Mon 26 Jun 2023 at 18:30 | Eventbrite 



Good news 


UK  - On 8th June, in order to cut the asylum backlog, the Home Office said that it would no longer differentiate between people who arrived by so called “irregular” means, such as those who crossed the Channel, and other asylum seekers. This illegal and immoral distinction, stipulated in the 2022 Nationality and Borders Act, has now also been shown to be unworkable. 


Iceland - On June12, 2023, the Icelandic parliament approved, by 53 votes in favour and three abstentions, the law banning "conversion therapies" for sexual orientation and gender identity.  


European Union -On 14 June2023, the European Parliament accepted Amnesty International's proposal to ban the use of mass surveillance technologies and approved a proposal for a regulation relating to artificial intelligence. 


United States of America - On June 15, 2023, Barry Jones returned to freedom after spending29 years on death row in the state of Arizona. He was sentenced to death in 1995for the murder of his partner's daughter, a crime that Arizona prosecutors eventually said Jones had not committed. 



Manchester Amnesty issue and campaign coordinators 

Anti-racism –Hazel Errey  

Craftivism – Kathryn Fletcher Kathryn wishes to step down as craftivism coordinator so if you would like to take on this role, please let her know. 

Europe/ Turkey Fatih Segmen  - 

Human Rights in the UK Lancine Sacko  - 

Individuals at Risk (bi-monthly appeal writing drop ins) - Anne Walker 

Manchester Central Library, café area, 2-4pm 4th Saturdays July, September, November.  

Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians  - Mike Reed 

LGBTQ+ and Pride coordinator – Zoe Song 

Press freedom and Julian Assange – Lima Al-Iskalachi 

Refugees – Alison Wearden 

UAE – Kathryn Fletcher  


Alison Wearden  

Communications Secretary  

Manchester Group of Amnesty International  

Please contact me with items for our Weekly Action and News email, or with ideas for longer articles for the quarterly Manchester Amnesty Group Bulletin.

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