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Weekly Action and News 28/06/2024

Manchester Amnesty Weekly Action and News


Please do this action and make a difference


On 14 December 2023, the Azerbaijani authorities arrested a prominent opposition figure and unrelenting government critic, Tofig Yagublu, on spurious forgery and fraud charges. A wave of arrests in Azerbaijan that has been targeting independent journalists has now come for one of the country’s most vocal opposition leaders. On 15 December, a court placed Tofig Yagublu in pre-trial detention for four months, and this has now been extended. Tofig Yagublu denies all charges; he is being targeted because of his opposition activities.


Amnesty are asking for Mr Yagublu’s immediate release. You can add your voice by clicking the link below, filling in your details and sending an email to the President of Azerbiijan.




Please note:

Our July Group Meeting will take place at 6pm on 8th July ONLINE.

This is a change to previously advertised time and mode. We are pleased to be joined by Sima Watling, who works at the Amnesty International Secretariat and focuses on the Middle East and North Africa. She will talk to us about her work relating to the UAE. We will also have updates on our other activities and campaigns.  All are welcome including new members. A zoom link will be sent to all nearer the time. We hope to see you at the meeting!



Silent vigil calling for a permanent ceasefire

and the protection of all civilians in Palestine and Israel

St Peters Square, Manchester, Friday 28th June, 5pm to 6pm

Meet in front of Central Library

Please wear black/dark colours

and please do not bring placards, banners or flags.

We will provide placards with Amnesty’s messages. Feel free to bring your friends.

We will continue with the weekly vigils until further notice.


Would you like to organise and run our appeal writing sessions?

Anne Walker has been running the appeal-writing sessions for many years and needs to hand this task over to another member, so that she can focus on her regional rep activities. The role has the advantage of being regular and predictable. The writing sessions take place on 6 Saturday afternoons per year. Some additional researching and organisation of materials is also required.

If you would like take on this role, please contact Anne


Non-Amnesty events


Ice and Fire

Tales from the Hostile Environment

Members of the Actors for Human Rights network are touring the UK to present staged readings of this script in the run up to election day.

In Manchester on Monday 1st July 7.30pm at 53TWO. More information here


Greater Manchester Friends of Palestine and other organisations


Stop Gaza genocide. Over 20,000 children murdered by Israel!

Saturday 29th June, 12noon, Platt Fields park (next to costume museum) Rusholme, M14 5LL.

Children welcome. Creative activities will be provided.


The Big Ride for Palestine

Every year since 2015, The Big Ride for Palestine has seen cyclists fly the flag for Palestine across Britain, spreading awareness about the Palestinian struggle for justice while raising vital funds for organisations in Palestine. This year’s Big Rides, in the context of the genocidal assaults taking place in Gaza, will provide a way to demonstrate solidarity with Palestinians. The North West ride of 36 miles (60 km) takes place in Manchester on 3rd August. Time to don your lycra!

More details and registration here


Whalley Range Peace and Justice Stand with Palestine

Each Wednesday 4.30-5.30 at Brooks Bar (junction Upper Chorlton Rd/Moss Lane East/Withington Rd)


Please support these events but please do not take Amnesty banners.


Good news

Hungary - On 13 June 2024, the European Court of Justice condemned Hungary for failing to follow up on a 2020 ruling on non-compliance with policies on granting international protection and returning “irregular migrants.” Hungary will have to pay €200 million and a further €1 million for each day of delay in complying with these rules.


Italy - On 19 June 2024, the Council of State suspended the transfer of six patrol boats to Tunisia, in light of the continued violation of human rights by the Tunisian authorities against those trying to cross the Mediterranean.


Thailand - On June 18, 2024, Parliament passed the Marriage Equality Act, which gives LGBTQIA+ couples the same rights as heterosexual couples in matters of marriage, adoption, consent to medical treatment, and inheritance.


Namibia - On June 21, 2024, the High Court struck down two colonial-era laws which criminalized sexual relations between adults of the same sex. The judges ruled in favour of Friedel Dausab, an LGBTQIA+ activist who filed an appeal to the High Court in June 2022.


Republic of Congo - On 19 June 2024, following a report just published by Amnesty International, the Ministry of the Environment ordered the suspension of the activities of Mettsa Congo - a subsidiary of India's Mettsa that produces lead plates for export - due to the risks caused to the environment by its recycling plants, located 50 meters from a school.


UK/USA/Australia – On 25 June 2024, Julian Assange was taken from Belmarsh Prison, via Bangkok, to US-administered island Saipan, where he appeared before a US court and, after a plea-deal arranged with his lawyers, received a sentence which allowed for his immediate release from custody. While Amnesty welcomed the end of the ordeal for Mr Assange, his family and his supporters, their press release referred to the historic damage caused by gross violations of press freedom and freedom of expression inflicted by this case, stating that Mr Assange should never have been imprisoned in the first place.



Manchester Amnesty issue and campaign coordinators

Anti-racism –Hazel Errey

Craftivism – Lima Al-Iskalachi

Europe/ Turkey Fatih Segmen  -

Human Rights in the UK Iona Bruce –

Individuals at Risk (bi-monthly appeal writing drop ins and Write for Rights in Nov/Dec) – Anne Walker

Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians  - Mike Reed

LGBTQ+ and Pride  – Zoe Song

Press freedom and Julian Assange – Lima Al-iskalachi & Danny Jones

Refugees Whatsapp group – Alison Wearden

UAE – Kathryn Fletcher


Our website Manchester | Amnesty International UK [] (managed by Alison Wearden)

X/Twitter @amnestymanc []  (managed by Steve Lindsay –

Facebook Manchester Amnesty Group []

Instagram @amnestymanchester [] (managed by Sara Baptista -


Alison Wearden 

Communications Secretary 

Manchester Group of Amnesty International 

Please contact me with items for our Weekly Action and News email, or with ideas for longer articles for the quarterly Manchester Amnesty Group Bulletin.


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