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Amnesty International UK
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Jul 16 2017 10:14PM
Liu Xiaobo

Members of our Mid Devon Amnesty Group have written regularly over the past years to Liu Xiaobo, to his wife Liu Xia and to Chinese officials. We are so sad to know that Liu Xiaobo has passed away, but we will continue to strive for...

Jul 16 2017 10:09PM
Support from local young people

Our local Group were delighted to receive a cheque for Amnesty for £573, as a result of fundraising by pupils at Tiverton High School, following a visit by some of our members earlier in the year. We are very grateful, and inspired by...

Jun 27 2017 9:25PM
Amnesty Concert

Our celebrated Amnesty Concert is coming up again this October, see poster. It's on Friday 13 October, at 7.30 pm, in Willand Church Hall - tickets from 01884 839282 or 01884 821291.

Jun 27 2017 9:18PM
Refugee Week

Refugee Week was 19 to 25 June this year. The Mid Devon Group mounted an Amnesty International display (see attached) of Magnum photos of refugees over the decades in Cullompton Library, with many thanks to the staff there. We also put...

Jun 27 2017 9:05PM
Uffculme Farmers Market

Our local Group continues to be present most months at the Uffculme Farmers Market, selling books (two for £1, very good value), publicising the work of Amnesty, and asking for signatures for our letters to the prisoners of conscience...

May 6 2017 4:18PM
Write for Rights

The Mid Devon Amnesty International group held its WRITE FOR RIGHTS evening at Halberton Methodist Church on March 9 th . The photo shows members and guests spending some time writing to prisoners of conscience and those who imprison...

May 6 2017 3:53PM
Amnesty Southwest Conference

Two of our members attended the annual Amnesty International Southwest Regional Conference in Exeter in February this year. Their report on the Conference is attached (click on title, Amnesty Southwest Conference, to see link to...

May 6 2017 3:43PM
Brief history of Amnesty

Although most will have some idea of the history and aims of Amnesty International, we thought it worthwhile to provide a potted history in the document attached - click on title (Brief history of Amnesty) to see document.

Sep 22 2016 5:40PM
Refugees Welcome march in London

Among the thousands of marchers in London on 17 September were two of our Mid Devon members, Sheila and John.

Sep 16 2016 8:57PM
Uffculme Farmers Market

Our local Amnesty branch is returning to Uffculme Farmers Market this coming Saturday 24 September, in Uffculme Village Hall from 10 am to 12 noon.
