Campaigning at the Roadwater Fete for Afghan Women's Rights

We had a successful afternoon at the Roadwater village fete on 26 July. It was a glorious summer's day and our stall, festooned with balloons and bunting, attracted lots of vistors. The stall drew attention to the plight of women in Afghanistan who are put at risk simply for the kind of job they do - whether a doctor, teacher, police officer or politician. Over the past six months, AI activists have been showing their support for these women by submitting pictures of themselves with campaign placards - to show solidarity and to draw our UK government's attention to the issues.
Many people at the fete agreed to have their photos taken holding up messages such as 'I support the rights of women teachers.' We collected 103 signatures on our petition which we will send to our MP. Lots of children also visited the stall to play our games with an Amnesty theme. All in all it was a very successful and enjoyable afternoon.