Minehead Group's October 2021 newsletter

Our October newsletter includes a report and photos of our successful fundraising concert in September. There is also the usual list of actions you can take this month, as well as future diary dates. Campaign reports include AIUK's current campaign 'Stop the Rights Raid' which focuses on legislation currently going through the UK Parliament. The South Asia report draws attention to the impacts of climate change on human rights in Nepal, India and Bangladesh.
Members and supporters of AI are invited to join us for a Write for Rights letter writing afternoon on Tuesday 9 November between 1400 and 1530. This will take place in the Quaker Meeting House on Bancks Street in Minehead, where we haven't been able to meet for many months. So this will be a chance to catch up with old friends face-to-face as well as write some letters! Information on the cases and writing materials will be provided. Coffee, tea and biscuits will be on offer too.